Hurricane season 2024 hits those in the Caribbean #Beryl

| July 3, 2024

Yes it is hurricane season … and yes, the water temperatures are above historic norms … but climate change alarmists pretending to be CNN journalists are blaming fossil fuels directly.  This isn’t factual or sound science. There are those who study climate change and global warming who hypothesize that the use of carbon-based fuels and […]

What has Perseverance learned from 1000 days on Mars? #space

| December 16, 2023

NASA’s Perseverance rover continues on its Mars exploration mission that I’ve followed from the start. The Twitter feed along with the geology exploration and rock sample collection is space science at its best. For those not following the mission as closely, a YahooNews/CNN story last week that summarized the 1000 days of “roving” and of […]

Music Monday: RIP Gordon Lightfoot, a folk singing legend

| May 8, 2023

Canadian singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot passed away last week; he was 84. The respected entertainer has been a favorite of mine since high school and I enjoyed his music throughout the years … and still do. Music Monday has highlighted a few of his many songs and I felt obligated to reflect on his music this […]

Erythritol linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack

| February 27, 2023

From a CNNHealth story: A sugar replacement called erythritol — used to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monk-fruit, and keto reduced-sugar products — has been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study. “The degree of risk was not modest,” said lead author Dr. Stanley Hazen, director of the […]

Freedom, bravery and sacrifice represented in 1, ok 2, photos

| February 26, 2022

(click photo for actual Flag of Ukraine) Zelensky refuses US offer to evacuate, saying ‘I need ammunition, not a ride’ (CNN) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has turned down an offer from the United States of evacuation from the capital city Kyiv, the Ukraine embassy in Britain said Saturday on Twitter. "The fight is here; I […]

Friday Filler Video: This dad make surfing with kids look easy

| July 30, 2021

Professional surfer Billy Kemper — and his son Lion — surfing together. Surfer Billy Kemper says he glimpsed at death after a wave broke his pelvis in half (CNN) – It was a tiny error in judgement, but within seconds he realized that the consequences could be potentially life threatening. “That wave sucked me up […]

Is this defunding/dismantling police for real or just politics?

| June 11, 2020

After listening to the loudest protestors from around the U.S. seemingly unite around the “defund and dismantle the police” manta, it is natural for people to ponder the questions regarding how this movement of angry people intend to “keep the peace.” As some point laws aren’t going to be followed, gangs and thugs will intimidate […]

Porsche is ditching diesel for good

| September 24, 2018

Porsche announced Sunday that it would focus on hybrid and electric technology and will no longer make diesel-powered vehicles. The announcement comes five months after a senior manager at Porsche in Germany was arrested in connection with an investigation into diesel emissions rigging by Porsche’s parent company, Volkswagen. Just 12% of Porsche’s global sales came […]

A close call for this California BMW X5 SUV driver

| December 15, 2015

No this is not our BMW X5 35d … but it is my wife’s biggest fear. She has had several items fall off trucks or get kicked up from the road in front of her over the years. Usually it’s a cracked windshield or “thunk-thunk” as she bounces over lumber or whatever (alignment issues perhaps?) […]

Second GOP debate: Fiorina and Rubio stood out

| September 17, 2015

Last night’s second GOP debate on CNN at the Reagan Library wasn’t bad as debates go. The current frontrunner, the attention grabbing Donald Trump did one thing for the Republican brand … he got generated attention. His grade school behavior buffoonery brought far viewers to  the stodgy GOP and that alone could help Republicans ideas […]

Another GOP debate and a feisty one at that

| October 19, 2011

I spent the 8 to 10PM hours Tuesday night watching yet another GOP debate, this one hosted on CNN. This time the top tier of the Republican field came out fired up and directed jabs at each other. I suspect viewers who prefer to see Obama as the target were somewhat uncomfortable with the body […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog