RichC | November 30, 2012
I started a post earlier in the week with the intent to demonstrate my ability to “Rise Above” and to recommend a compromise solution that would address the fiscal cliff, but I realized that I was banging my head against a wall even when dealing with people I get along with. I can’t imagine reaching […]
Category: Business, Financial, Politics |
Tags: economy, fiscal cliff, new balance, newbalance, rise above, shoes
RichC | November 17, 2012
There is a Rise Above movement afoot and it is being promoted by business news network CNBC. Supporters and business leaders from both political parties agree that politicians must work together to focus on the financial health of our country and rise above partisan politics. We have yet to see progress and the stock market […]
Category: Entertainment, Financial, Local, Politics |
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Tags: cincinnati, cnbc, finance, investing, Politics, rise above