Take two: Finally moving ahead on the kitchen project

Posted By on January 28, 2017

Designer rendition

Last summer we started to plan for a kitchen remodel as our "builder grade" cabinets and mishmash of appliances were in serious need of replacement. We updated our dishwasher and refrigerator already, but need to finish off the final stages once and for all. I’m currently working with a designer and close to getting the cabinets ordered.

Corbett_KitchenLayout170119 KitchenFromMudRoomDoor


I was going to tie everything together when I started the laundry room, but because Brenda wants a gas cooktop instead of our electric, that means a little more construction, etc. So far we’ve "got the plan" and "think" KitchenGranite170126we have the contractor and cabinet company (second go at it) and are now finalizing the granite, knobs, tile and balance of appliances. At this point, we’ll switch to a Bosch two oven set-up and natural gas 5 burner cooktop … along with a Bosch SS hood. We’ve been happy with our under cabinet GE Spacesaver Microwave so will likely stick with that. An addition is trying to design a corner cabinet with the existing cabinet company … which was initially going to be a piece of furniture I wanted to build. Brenda’s point was that she wants to pull the kitchen together by keeping it all the same — and she has good taste. A humorous story usually comes up from our early years when I "regularly" would remodel our houses and thought about putting a bathroom sink and counter in our master bedroom — yup, I have a serious artistic limitation.

Our existing kitchen


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog