RichC | November 24, 2021
America has split down the middle on a lot of things that many of us took for granted just a few years ago. Our individual liberty is being eroded away with the help of progressives using propaganda and the heavy hand of the “we know better” bureaucrats to seize more power every day. The mainstream […]
Category: Business, Education, Financial, History, Politics, Travel |
Tags: communism, fascism, freedom, government, liberty, mandates, nazi, passport, propaganda, sharyl attkisson, socialism, twitter
RichC | March 7, 2018
The long time investigative correspondent for CBS, Sharyl Attkisson did an excellent job of “fairly” building a timeline in the “Collusion against Trump” details on her website. If you really want to understand what we know so far regarding the Russian connections, it is worth at least skimming the points below. On a separate note, […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, News, Politics |
Tags: collusion, dem, gop, investigation, russia, sharyl attkisson, thememo, timeline, trump
RichC | November 7, 2017
Ethics in journalism, particularly political content, continues to disappear as the line between editorializing and reporting is blurred. Most who consume "their" brand of NEWS recognize there is truth to the sarcastic #FakeNews hashtag on social networks and President Trump’s regular "tweets" complaining about how his administration is treated by the #MSM (Main Stream Media). […]
Category: News, Politics, Social Media, Video |
Tags: editorial, ethics, journalism, media, News, opinion, political, prageru, reporter, sharyl attkisson, social network, twitter, youtube