RichC | July 25, 2023
Last weekend I toyed with the idea of converting one of my NiCad Paslode batteries over to Lithium-Ion. I picked up the charging module circuit board with DC voltage boosting and “thought” this might be a simple solution. Oh not so quick … 4+ hours later … it was not so easy to stuff two […]
Category: Repairs, Tools |
Tags: amazon, battery, fence, lithium, nail gun, paslode, repair, stain
RichC | January 31, 2015
The inexpensive miracle cleaner and kitchen staple known as vinegar has hundreds if not thousands of uses … but few of those uses are as helpful as cleaning and dissolving hard water calcium build up. I use a vinegar mix regularly for window washing, as a way to keep the shower and shower head free […]
Category: Advice, How-To |
1 Comment
Tags: cleaning, home, idea, stain, toilet, vinegar, water, youtube