RichC | July 9, 2021
For the last few years, I’ve been using Google’s Backup and Sync software on my iMac to back up mostly archival data to my free Google Drive space that was part of my legacy Miami University EDU teaching account. I haven’t taught in Oxford, Ohio for decades, but did spend a few dollars for Taylor’s […]
Category: Apple, Cloud, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: amazon, apple, aws, backup, beta, cloud, Dropbox, encryption, google, icloud, imac, microsoft, mydrive, onedrive, proton, protonmail, storage, sync, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | February 20, 2015
I made the big 99 cent plunge a couple months ago in paying for more Apple iCloud space primarily to keep data on my iPhone and iPad safely backed up (although it is easy enough to do with and iTunes Lightening to USB connected computer). What I’m finding is that using iCloud is becoming a […]
Category: Cellphone, Cloud, Computer, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: backup, cloud, data, files, storage, sync, techfriday
RichC | August 8, 2014
I am late to the game in addressing a workaround for a newer Apple iOS devices (recently updated my iPhone 5 to a “secondhand” 5s) and the changed Google Sync services. The changes happened in 2013, but since my old devices were still working it wasn’t a big deal … now it is! Initially, iOS […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, How-To, Tablet |
Tags: apple, email, exchange, google, ipad, iphone, sync, techfriday
RichC | June 28, 2013
You’re invited to Cubby by LogMeIn. Give is a free try. After eliminating Sugarsync, filling up my preferred but pricey Dropbox, and keeping Microsoft’s Skydrive and GoogleDrive for mostly shared online docs, spreadsheets and PDF files, I’ve been trying out a few other backup and synchronizing services. This week I added a couple MyCubby folders […]
Category: Cloud, Computer, Technology |
Tags: backup, cloud, Computer, storage, sync, techfriday