RichC | August 5, 2019
Monday, August 5th, 2019 was not a good day to be long in the stock markets – WSJ update. I think we are often too complacent with investing and fall victim to the “stay the course” and invest for long run mentality. It is easy to forget just how painful market drops can be. Economist […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: china, currency, devaluation, investing, markets, retirement, savings, stocks, tariffs, trade, trading, trump, wall street, yuan
RichC | May 22, 2019
Yes … the U..S economy is in good shape … but if you are an investor, these last few weeks may not have felt like the stock market is responding as it should in a good economy? Enter trade with China … well primarily China. Yet there is also unrest in the Middle East with […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: barrons, china, economy, financial markets, investing, phrase, Politics, tariffs, trade, trading, trump, united states
RichC | June 21, 2018
After 8 down days for the Dow, the beginning of summer has not been kind to investors hoping 2018 would be a bit more positive. With unemployment at near all time lows, corporate tax cuts, the economy rebounding and promising better wages … and even talks with North Korea going well, one would think optimism […]
Category: Financial, News |
Tags: barrons, djia, finances, investing, slump, stock market, tariffs, trading, wall street
RichC | June 14, 2018
Americans are struggling once again with carrots, sticks and tariffs event though throughout our history we have always been advocates for "free trade" … believing that in the end open trade wins. Unfortunately it isn’t always that simple when it is your job, your house and your life on the line. It is understandable that […]
Category: Blogs, Books, Financial, Politics |
Tags: ayd rand, bernie sanders, capitalism, conservative, economics, eric posner, glen weyl, libertarian, milton friedman, monopolies, socialism, tariffs, walter williams