Tech Friday: Big Tech’s data access knows no bounds … and neither do some politicians and government agencies

| September 6, 2024

Europe and their big government overreaches in restricting personal liberty by American standards, but that same heavy handedness often does more that the U.S. to protect an individual’s privacy from Big Tech and their sweeping data collection machines.  Ever since social media and cloud-oriented companies desired to take ownership of their users data, it has […]

An Idiom Saturday filler: To “handle with kid/kit gloves”

| July 8, 2023

Once you learn something and then hear it used incorrectly, it makes me cringe. I wanted to correct someone on the news last week using the phrase “handle with kid gloves” … knowing the original was to “handle with kit gloves.” Oh well …  Origin The origin of the term ‘kit gloves’ can be tracked […]

Contemplating the phrase: “Have a good ONE!”

| June 22, 2023

Using the pronoun “one” seems out of place and too casual when using the common phrase … “Have a good one.” It is heard all the time in day to day conversation (even on television business news shows — you know who you are Lauren Simonetti — HA!) and at least for me, the phrase […]

TechFriday: Blog housekeeping and a WordPress 5.4.2 update

| June 19, 2020

Way too often those who maintain their own web servers and computers grit their teeth and cringe when it is time to update and upgrade. A month or so ago I replaced one of my servers (the one this blog is on) and suffered through the anxiety of getting everything working again. I generally follow […]

Our countries founders and past presidents, no matter their political party, would be “turning over in their graves”

| July 2, 2019

VP Joe Biden, Sen Bernie Sanders and Sen Kamala Harris – DemDebate2 6/27/2019 After watching the two night Democratic Debate last week, I couldn’t help, but notice that the socialist wing of the party has moved every candidate WAY left. All of the current 20+ candidates running to be the DEM’s nominee have made previous […]

A good economy, but we are dealing with other political issues

| May 22, 2019

Yes … the U..S economy is in good shape … but if you are an investor, these last few weeks may not have felt like the stock market is responding as it should in a good economy? Enter trade with China … well primarily China. Yet there is also unrest in the Middle East with […]

Is there a best time to become a first time home buyer?

| May 7, 2019

In a discussion with my son Taylor last week, the subject of homeownership came up. He is single and currently rents, but like many millennials, hasn’t been in a big hurry to "put down roots" as have previous generations. On the other hand, being that his career is in "planning" and "economic development," regularly talks […]

Replaced the rear shocks the Honda Odyssey this past weekend

| April 16, 2019

Besides finishing the painful tax filing this weekend, I replaced the rear shocks in my 2002 Honda Odyssey  “work-wagon” and Florida vehicle. It is still the lowest mile vehicle we have, but unfortunately, it is showing its age … especially the rusting undercarriage. Still, it runs well and is reliable … knock on wood. I’ve […]

The etymology of “pay through the nose”

| November 1, 2015

I don't recall why I used the phrase “pay through the nose” this past week, but this sounds about right … Instead of fighting the invaders, some English kings preferred to pay the Vikings to leave them in peace. These payments were called 'Danegeld' (meaning 'Dane debt' or Dane payment). The Vikings collected tribute in […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog