RichC | December 10, 2022
With inflation pushing grocery prices up, Brenda refuses to purchase store-bought croutons unless they are “on sale.” So since we had a quarter loaf of stale bread after our recent week away, I decided to cube and turn it into Rosemary, Italian seasoning, Garlic and Olive Oil croutons. After making them (bake 10 minutes at […]
Category: Financial, Food, Memories, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: bluhm, bread, brenda, cooking, croutons, dadc, fishing, food, grandfather, inflation, lake erie, momc, uncle
RichC | November 10, 2019
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Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Video |
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Tags: annalyn, aunt, baby, drew, drone, family, granddaughter, grandparent, katelyn, mp4, oostra, quadroter, reveal, richc, Technology, tesla, ultrasound, uncle, video