RichC | April 28, 2010
Anne Marguerite Holmstrom passed away on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 after 80 years of joyful, exuberant living. Her keen wit, artistic talent, strong principles, love of family, friends and country, appreciation of music, funny stories and the well-turned phrase, left a powerful and lasting impression on all who knew her. Anne started her life on […]
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Tags: family
RichC | April 28, 2010
In sticking with the sailing theme, the youngest non-stop solo circumnavigating sailor is nearing her starting point of Sydney, Australia. Jessica Watson, age sixteen (17 on May 18th), is in her country’s home waters and nearing Tasmania, but is experiencing rough conditions and large seas. Her spirits are good as seen on a Skype call […]
Category: News, Sailing |
Tags: circumnavigating, record, sailing, solo
RichC | April 28, 2010
Good news for Palm … I think? Hopefully HP shareholders feel the same way. Hewlett-Packard Inc. agreed to acquire Palm Inc. for nearly $1 billion in cash, ending months of speculation about the fate of the troubled wireless handset maker. H-P said it will pay $5.70 per share in cash for Palm, representing a premium […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Financial, News |
Tags: Cellphone, hp, palm, pixi, smartphone, webos
RichC | April 28, 2010
Since I spend part of my day on the road, my mind wanders from the tiring chatter of political radio talk that never ends (and focusing on driving) to daydreaming about sailing and escapism. I suspect most everyone has dreams or plans for retirement, but some are probably a bit more realistic than mine? I’ve […]
Category: Personal, Sailing, Video |
Tags: dream, for sale, sailboat, yacht
RichC | April 28, 2010
Glad to know we haven’t come to this in the U.S. — yet. A few harsh words … maybe … but at least our national politics are still relatively civil. Video is no longer available, but you can still view on WSJ In a raucous session marked by fist fights, smoke bombs and a volley […]
Category: News, Politics |
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Tags: ukraine