Day 2 & 3 sea passage and day 4: King’s Wharf Bermuda
Posted By RichC on August 19, 2010
Day 2 of our family vacation was spent on a southeast leisurely passage at about 8 knots cruising toward Bermuda from New York City aboard the NCL Dawn. We enjoyed a sunny day at sea relaxing on one of the aft decks … a surprisingly private spot. Although the sun was tropical, the breeze over the rail kept things bearable. Katelyn started her newly downloaded “Bones” book “Deja Dead” on her Nook, I’m “studying” my way “The Looming Tower: Al-Queta and the road to 9/11” and Brenda is enjoying her Vince Flynn book “Term Limits.” Taylor, well … he is happily book-less and happy to be making friends aboard.
The sea was calm for most of the trip and speckled with clumps of seaweed, the occasional flying fish and once a pod of small dolphins or porpoises. Unfortunately the ocean also displayed regular litter from humans, particularly my pet-peeve … the disposable plastic water bottle.
After a couple days of relaxation, dining and evening shows, our ship arrived at “dawn” and saw the thin line of land on the horizon. The island of Bermuda brightened as I watched the sun rise and the dark ocean and star lit sky give way to day. It was nice to have the luxury of a balcony that faced east. I stood at the rail watching (as I have each morning) and counted the lit and unlit channel markers as our ship slid into the Heritage dock on the west tip of the 24 mile island of Bermuda.
After clearing customs, we headed by tourist tram on the tight left-hand drive roads to the south beaches. Being our first visit to the UK island, we wanted to see the “pink” sand and spend some time swimming in the 82 degree water. Thankfully we didn’t go to the famous and very busy Horseshoe Bay
beach, but went just east of there to Stonehole Bay and Jobson’s Cove. There we found it less busy and a had several reefs, cliffs and nooks to explore. Taylor enjoyed climbing one such cliff area and to the horror of a couple parents, but cheering kids, jumped into the water just clearing the rocks below. Besides a scrap or two on his arm from climbing, he was rewarded with an adrenaline rush.
We returned back to the ship for a late snack and spent the balance of the hot day walking through the shops in the historic dockside area. *Interesting fact: Benedict Arnold’s son was the architect for the Royal Naval Dockyard. (check fact)