Mitt Romney for President is just fine with me

Posted By on December 15, 2011

Well I was going to wait until closer to the Republican primary in Ohio (3/6/2012) to decide which candidate was best to run against the president, but after seeing recent polling, the candidate is obvious. When polls pitting Newt Gingrich against the sitting President Obama, the numbers indicate the President may have an easy re-election, in that case the only real option for the GOP is Mitt Romney … and personally, that’s fine with me (my reasons below).


First, Mitt Romney’s character is about as solid as they come for politicians. It wouldn’t be appropriate to say that his integrity is on the level of a Washington or Lincoln, but his moral compass is intact. No one has characterized him as corrupt or questioned his devotion to family, faith or country … therefore in my eyes he is way ahead of most others seeking office.

mittromneyheadshotHe also has demonstrated that he understands both the economy and American business … and government’s place in a free society. Besides growing up in a business family, he has managed businesses as well as asked to help salvage the 2002 Olympics. He has also functioned at a Republican governor of the liberal state of Massachusetts. This executive branch position required far more tact and negotiation with an opposing party than governing in a one party controlled state. His ability to function and get work done may be useful in Washington DC considering what we’ve seen in the past two administrations.

How does Mitt Romney propose dealing with our #1 issue, the economy? According to what I absorbed from his 59 point plan, he would start by making the U.S. business friendly. His sharp criticism of China for currency manipulation may not gain traction since no one wants a trade war, but his push to lower the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent would put the United States in a more competitive position. Romney want to streamline much of the business red tape which will not only help corporations, but small businesses which have become the growth energycomparison1engine of our nation. Speaking of red tape, he also proposes to dismantle much of Dodd-Franks, something that will make business more competitive and make more capital available. U.S. jobs here is better than companies sending them overseas.

Energy continues to dog our country as well. Although I’m anxious for day we are less reliant on fossil fuel, there is no denying that we suffer economically if our energy cost is artificially higher because of unrealistic policies. The rotation from oil and coal in the U.S. is a great goal, but not at the expense of our citizens and businesses. We need to continue to use all sources of energy and let them compete with each other without picking winners and losers from Washington DC. Romney position is to allow oil drilling “wherever it can be done safely.” His plan is to “fast-track the process for approving energy permits, and streamline the approval of new nuclear reactors.”

Romney has also pledged to keep taxes where they are today by making the Bush-era/Obama temporary renewal rates permanent. As a way to address retirement saving shortfalls, spendmorethanwetakeinhe also plans to eliminate double taxation policy of the estate tax and zero out the capital gains taxes for those with incomes below $200,000 (Millionaires need not apply). His eventually goal … probably a pipe dream … is to eventually reform the tax code by simplification and flattening the rates – fairer.

A touchy subject is of course is how to best deal with Medicare and Social Security. Although I haven’t figured out where he comes in on Medicare (his Obamacare problem, perhaps?), he has suggested that he would be considering raising the retirement age and reducing benefits to wealthier retirees in order to preserve the current Social Security program. The shared pain approach is realistically the only way forward since everyone knows we can’t continue without change.


As for the Tea Party movements hot button issue of Obama’s sweeping healthcare reform, Romney said he would repeal it. One can only go on his word that he believe states have that right, but not the federal government. If change needs to be implemented in order to control cost and assure all Americans get care, a state based solution may be the right step? One of the areas of healthcare he want to address (left out of even the all encompassing Obamacare) is medical malpractice lawsuits. Romney wants to rein in medical malpractice lawsuits and other types of litigation that cost companies billions of dollars and often drive up prices, but he many not have much impact since his position is that these decisions should be at the state levels.

Foreign policy may be Romney’s Achilles heel in that he has yet to be exposed to decisions that can all consume a president. Personally the security of our country was my biggest fear with President Obama, but thankfully he rose to the occasion. On the other hand, having bright advisors and good judgment may be more important than having a little bit of personal experience? In reading Mitt Romney’s white paper makes me realize the depth of planning he already has in place and that he has already shown the kind of executive level of leadership required to put together a Whitehouse. America could (and has these past 3+ years) have a less qualified leader serving as our president.

RealClearPolitics Polls 12/12/2011


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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