Photos: Our resident Red Shouldered Hawk stopped to say hello

Posted By on January 27, 2015

HawkIMG_6677smOur mouse and rodent catcher made an appearance on Monday afternoon just after the snow had finished up for the day. The bright afternoon sunshine came out and must have brought out both the hunter and his prey? Normally our previous Hawks will sit back on the fence or spend time circling looking for varmints. This guy came close enough for me to pull out my DSLR and snap off a few “portraits” before he flew away.


I never realized the Red Shouldered Hawks or his offspring nesting in our wooded area were banded. Hmm? (a couple more photos below)

HawkIMG_6681sm HawkIMG_6680sm HawkIMG_6679sm


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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