Music Monday: Stumbled back to the 1960s for some good vibes

| February 10, 2025

The Music Monday post was prepped prior to the Super Bowl ads … but after seeing this one, I had to include it. Too late … I’ve already started today’s Music Monday post and only then realized the song was also posted five years ago. 😉 But as I said then, it is impossible to […]

Remembering a couple 1970s TV shows and commercials

| November 24, 2020

A car enthusiast’s off-topic “Today’s Useless Tweet” got me thinking about old television shows that I enjoyed while growing up. I’m sure almost everyone my age flirts with nostalgia and can go on indefinitely with memories of their youth? His Banacek share (good show) and the George Peppard memory, which for me will always be […]

Patriots outplayed the Falcons to win Superbowl 51

| February 5, 2017

The Atlanta Falcons as a team deserve some credit in playing Superbowl LI impressively for three full quarters, until they didn’t in the 4th quarter.  The New England Patriots basically slept during the first part of the game and came to life in the 4th quarter. In cardiac arrest inducing fashion, New England mounted the most […]

A flop of a Super Bowl and a few personal likes

| February 3, 2014

My apologies to Peyton Manning … probably the most complete football quarterback to ever play in the NFL … but you and your team stunk. The fine performance by the Seattle Seahawks aside, Super Bowl XLVIII was a dud of a game to watch. The festivities that now are part of the entire Super Bowl […]

Who Dat? Dey be Super Bowl 44 champions

| February 8, 2010

The days of the “paper bags over the head” have given way to “destiny” and a dream come true for the 2010 Super Bowl winning New Orleans Saints and their many fans on Sunday. I thought the cool headed Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts would end up on top when pitting arm against arm,  […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog