RichC | December 5, 2019
While searching for a photo of an accident when a helicopter landed in our backyard, I ran across a photo of one of the “tools” I miss the most: a Bobcat 743 purchased when we built our house back in 1995-96. I did the same thing with a more powerful tractor besides our John Deere […]
Category: Archive, Diesel, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT, Tools |
Tags: bobcat, brenda, building,, diesel, ford 800, forklift, homes, house, richc, skid steer, skidsteer,, TBT, throwback, tool, tootsie, tractor, yard
RichC | August 11, 2019
As the cost of education, health care, cars, etc. goes up, it should be no surprise our financing habits change in order to pay for priorities like higher education … or luxuries like newer and more reliable cars. Paying for semi-essentials is significantly more expensive than in the past and we now extend paying for […]
Category: Education, Financial, Health, Human Interest, News, Politics |
Tags: cards, credit, economy, Education, families, graph, graphic, homes, housing, middle class, mortgages, school, sociology, wsj
RichC | May 7, 2019
In a discussion with my son Taylor last week, the subject of homeownership came up. He is single and currently rents, but like many millennials, hasn’t been in a big hurry to "put down roots" as have previous generations. On the other hand, being that his career is in "planning" and "economic development," regularly talks […]
Category: Advice, Blogs, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: case-schiller, chart, homes, house, housing, phrase, real estate, rent
RichC | August 1, 2018
Brenda and I had a good time talking to our millennial son Taylor and his girlfriend Megan last weekend. In contrast to our usually politically deteriorating topics of conversation (like his dad, Taylor loves to debate), it was a very enjoyable time. He picked up some shrimp and brought over the ingredients to make us […]
Category: Personal, Technology |
Tags: bird, cincinnati, cooking, family, homes, houses, megan, property, real estate, scooter, side-hustle, taylor
RichC | October 12, 2014
Somewhat an excuse to slip in a Hank Williams song, but the Dome Homes article was intriguing because we explored this area with my college buddies in the late 1970s every Christmas break. I’d still like to get back there by sailboat and anchor for a few days …weeks … or maybe months … and […]
Category: Music, Travel, Video |
Tags: blog, development, dome, florida, homes, memories
RichC | June 5, 2014
Be warned before you contact a company like Quicken Loans with a mortgage refinance request (rates are pretty low again) because they will be pumping your contact information to bunches of boiler room sales people who will send canned emails and make phone calls all day and evening (even different people from the same company […]
Category: Advice, Business, Financial |
Tags: homes, housing, loans, mortgages, refinance
RichC | March 23, 2011
The Winns’ residence in Charlevoix, Michigan has a “modest” boathouse and in viewing the video, they have a couple nice boats to put in it too (HGTV video below). The 10,437 square-foot Round Lake home and 8,537 square-foot boathouse of long-time Charlevoix residents John and Zita Winn is an architecturally stunning masterpiece. One of the […]
Category: Art, Misc, Recreation, Video-TV |
Tags: boats, homes, living, michigan