RichC | April 8, 2018
Seeing images of the children in Douma, a town near Damascus Syria dead or struggling to breath not only makes me sick to my stomach, but inflames my anger with a maddening desire for vengeance against the Assad regime. He and his supporters continue the brutal dictatorship against the Syrian people, this time using a […]
Category: News |
Tags: assad, chemical weapons, children, News, sarin, syria, war
RichC | October 1, 2015
The world around us is degrading into chaos as Russian “tough guy” President Vladimir Putin sent his militarily into the middle east and has quickly backed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against the supposedly the terrorist group ISIL/ISIS who is aggressively building their Caliphate and the American backed pro-western rebels (well, maybe … but who really […]
Category: Financial, News, Personal, Politics |
Tags: $appl, $TWTR, foreign, investing, life, obama, policy, putin, syria, trading
RichC | August 31, 2013
Now that about everyone is convinced that Syria and the Assad government has used chemical weapons in their civil war and the “red line” has been crossed, the decision about what to do about it is up to President Obama. Personally I’m aligned with at least a strategic military response when it comes to Syria […]
Category: Millitary, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: military, obama, syria, wmd
RichC | July 6, 2012
After reading a little more about finding the dead pilots and Turkish military jet in the Mediterranean Sea that was shot down in Syrian airspace, I was curious where this occurred and started searching on Google Maps, etc. Eventually I ran across a few border towns along the Syrian and Israel line and eventually noticed […]
Category: History, Misc |
Tags: israel, lebanon, syria, turkey