RichC | August 30, 2005
I hopes that those reading this will consider helping fellow Americans as we have always done for all in need. Katrina has truly left a wide swath of death and destruction. Most likely everyone with a TV or newpaper has seen the need, but may not know what they can do. I’ll link a video […]
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1 Comment
RichC | August 30, 2005
This is a phone based blog post. Should appear under Technology. 8/30/05 7:03 pm
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | August 30, 2005
Apple Computer Inc. and Motorola Inc. will be announcing the long awaited iTunes cell phone called the “Rokr” next week. Analyst expect that the news will officially be released on September 7th in a joint news conference that will include representatives from Apple, Cingular and Motorola. The past year has seen many rumors and delays […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | August 29, 2005
With all of the devistation and sad news coming from the Gulf Coast after Katrina made landfall this morning, I needed something to make me smile. I’m going to include a humorous post from the TDIClub that only fellow members will appreciate. Thanks Ron Tamondong for the cute 2003 thread “How many tdiclub members does […]
Category: Misc |
RichC | August 28, 2005
I wanted to make a quick post to my blog this Sunday evening as the people of the Gulf Coast prepare for the wind and storm surge of Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans in the focal point but this giant storm is a definitely a ‘wide’ killer. I’m not sure how many of you have run […]
Category: Misc, Weather |
Tags: hurricane, katrina
RichC | August 27, 2005
A discussion about petroleum and how to encourage the US toward alternative energy revisited a group I belong to today, so I’ll include part of my post below. First … B2, B5, B10, B15 and the quazi-standard B20 are all within the realm of possibilities when incentives are in place, prices are high and the […]
Category: Uncategorized |
1 Comment
RichC | August 26, 2005
Hurricane Katrina came ashore just south of the all important Delray Beach (my family). The catagory 1 hurricane had sustained winds of 80 miles per hour with gusts up to 92 m.p.h. In talking to friends, there was no report of heavy damage as Katrina made landfall at 7 p.m just south of Delray Beach. […]
Category: Misc, Weather |
Tags: hurricane
RichC | August 24, 2005
Audi/Palm Pressrelease: We are pleased to announce the Audi / Palm partnership in providing integrated capabilities with the palm Treo 650 and our 2006 models equipped with Bluetooth phone technology. This announcement is the culmination of over a year’s worth of work of teams on both sides of the partnership. The Audi team was comprised […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | August 22, 2005
“The morning after” the great CinciTDI “Intake Cleaning” GTG, or party depending on your perspective, sort of left me melancholy. The August GTG day is now gone after a long time in coming, and was even more successful than I envisioned. The real THANK YOU goes to Bruce for the mechanical aptitude and ‘nuts and […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Volkswagen |
1 Comment
Tags: cincitdi, cleaning, gtg, manifold, richc, tdiclub
RichC | August 16, 2005
In keeping with ‘desultory‘ in my blog, I ran across some useful advice from a specialty produce distributor in regard to storing and ripening fruit. Karen Caplan of Frieda’s Inc. suggests that you rinse peaches, nectarines and plums and place in a shallow wire basket for ventilation after purchasing, rather than putting them in the […]
Category: Blogs, Tidbits |
Tags: desultory, fruit, kitchen, storage
RichC | August 15, 2005
Another excellent ‘educational’ EAA284 meeting yesterday at our chapter hanger. We enjoy a brief time of socialization and chatting about the brochures and photos collected at Airventure 2005 over burger and brats fixed by Bob Luken. I know everyone enjoyed the food … as usual. After the meeting was casually called to order we had […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | August 13, 2005
A friend of mine pointed me to a great site from a journalist pertaining to all things automotive. Frank Giovinazzi is the publisher of Car Buyer’s Notebook and a companion Podcast site. He is easy to listen to in his short daily podcasts and works hard to write intriguing articles. His podcasts on biodiesel caught […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | August 10, 2005
With oil prices on the rise again what can we surmise? A couple of days ago, U.S. light, sweet crude for September delivery rose to a record of $64 a barrel. What is interesting is to dig into the ‘crack spread’ between the different grades of refined light oils. Those in the energy business observe […]
Category: Uncategorized |
RichC | August 6, 2005
Wow … what an Airventure. According to EAA records, about 700,000 people made their way to the Greatest Aviation Celebration in Oshkosh, Wisconsin this year. That number is well above 2004 and is also reflected in the participants as well. More than 10,000 aircraft visited the Oshkosh area including showplanes over the seven-day convention of […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airventure, aviation, eaa, oshkosh
RichC | August 2, 2005
I had planned on updating our trip to the Canadian Rockies daily, but as with most vacations, the time went by way too fast, besides that, the days were long and tiring. My son and I flew into Calgary, Alberta the last week in July and were picked up by Jeff, a long time friend […]
Category: Friends, Misc, Personal, Photos, Recreation, Travel |
Tags: alberta, canada, canadian rockies, canmore, jeffp, rockies, taylor, vacation