Happy Birthday Taylor … a day early

Posted By on June 9, 2024

Taylor Megan Sunday Birthday golfing - 240609
Taylor and Megan for Birthday golfing at Beckett Ridge
(he worked there when he was in college)

The weather was cooler than normal for a June birthday get-together for a few of our 35 year old sons’ friends, their spouses and now young families. It wasn’t a formal party per se, but it was a chance to remember backyard pool parties of the past. They sure did enjoyed warming up in front of the fireplace after getting out of the warm pool — no rain, so glad that worked out. Happy Birthday …tomorrow … Taylor (6/10).

It is interesting for us as boomer-parents to notice the generational differences between when our children and their friends are getting married and start to have families (later) and our generation. Most of his friends are in their 30s and starting families … where we were in our 20s. Perhaps it was the same for previousBabu Finger shake - Seinfeld generations who married out of high school and started families, when we were just finishing college and starting to work. 

In any case, Brenda and I have failed by not taking any photos (shame on us, but I’m leaving space at top hoping Taylor has one) … but we did enjoy being “papa and grandma” to the little ones; Brenda held babies and I enjoyed cute 3 year old girl on the playlet and playing kitchen with sticks. 

Slo-Mo ani-gif Fireplace


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog