RichC | August 15, 2021
For decades now I’ve had a fairly positive relationship with both business (CPP) and personal banking … and particularly with local banks. I grumbled the 1990s when multiple bank mergers forced out the manager I worked with in NE Ohio. He knew me by name and often pulled me aside to see if there was anything […]
Category: Books, Business, Financial, Innovation, Marketing, Productivity, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: autonomy, banking, banks, bitcoin, blockchain, book, cpp,, crypto, cryptocurrency, digital, ethereum, huntington, investing, jake ryan, reading, toaster, wallet
RichC | March 26, 2020
When I was growing up, I had a passbook savings account that was a teaching tool used by my parents to instill responsible money management. I deposited a small amount in it every few months or so when my mom would go to the bank and got my passbook stamped with an update as to […]
Category: Financial, History, Memories, Personal, TBT |
Tags: banking, banks, interest, letter, money, passbook, rates, saving, savings, scan
RichC | April 6, 2017
The banking giant Chase is not alone in their inefficiency — they mailed me a 1 cent check by first class mail (below) — since local Fifth Third Bank continues to send me a paper statement a decade after trying to close an old 529 college savings account. I’m not sure how many dollars have […]
Category: Business, Financial |
Tags: banks, check, mail, paper, refund, sarcasm, statement, usps, waste
RichC | November 30, 2011
The financial markets woke up to a jolt this morning as several central banks including the U.S. Federal Reserve unified to shore up the global financial system. The debt crisis in Europe has continued to put downward stress on world markets and economies; the cheaper U.S. denominated loans available to European banks is expected to […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: banks, europe, finance, markets