RichC | February 15, 2020
While emailing my daughter this week about taking her “long living” bunny, Pumpy Umpy to the vet (injury and can’t move his leg), I mentioned that I eventually had to take Tootsie to the Butler County Humane Society as a way to prep for her eventual decision. I ended up seeing this “Keep in touch” […]
Category: Health, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: animals, australian, blue heeler, bunny, cattle dog, cattledog, dogs, family, humane society, katelyn, pets, pumpy umpy, Rabbit, tootsie, vet
RichC | October 7, 2018
Each year about this time, rodents and varmints are looking at our garage and house as a place to call home when the weather cools. So I’m usually trying to stay ahead of them by sealing up and keeping the garage doors closed more often (challenging when the weather is so nice). The bigger varmints […]
Category: Advice, Innovation, Memories, Misc, Photos, Video |
Tags: autumn, birthday, cattledog, dog, mice, mouse, mousetrap, pet, raccoon, rat zapper, rodent, sticky, tootsie, traps, varmints
RichC | October 5, 2015
According to my records, we call October 5th Tootsie’s birthday … so Happy Birthday to “this man’s” best friend. It is possible to be off a few days when knowing a dogs birthday, but unfortunately I’ve had her age off for several years now – she is 17 (again)! Whoops … I added a […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: australian, cattledog, dog, heeler, Photos, tootsie, video
RichC | October 6, 2010
While celebrating our dog Tootsie’s 13th birthday on Tuesday – she’s a teenager (born: 10/5/1997) – I caught the last few minutes of an Animal Planet program “Weird, True and Freaky – Lost and Found.” I remember mentioning the story on my blog about a cattledog that fell off of a sailboat and survived on a […]
Category: Environment, Personal, Sailing, Video-TV |
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Tags: australian, blue heeler, cattledog, dog