RichC | July 13, 2022
Instead of starting a rant on our nightmare return trip from the Canadian Rockies flying Air Canada … I’m going to let the stress dissipate for a while. It was painful travel. So instead I’ll archive a couple exciting photos from Katelyn and Drew as their builder has started clearing the trees from their lot […]
Category: Archive, Food, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: aircanada, brenda, building, canada, construction, diet, drew, exercise, family, fitbit, hiking, katelyn, keto, lots, megan, rant, richc, taylor, vacation
RichC | June 13, 2019
We have so many cans (mostly Brenda’s Diet Pepsi, but plenty of my Diet Mountain Dew as well) is almost embarrassing how I take aluminum cans to a local recycling center. It is even more eye-opening to “see” just how much pop (soda) we buy and consume! How is it possible to drink this many […]
Category: Archive, BMW, Financial, Food, Health, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT |
1 Comment
Tags: addiction, aluminum, brenda, caffiene, cans, carbonated, diet, drink, habit, mountain dew, pepsi, pop, recycle, rich, soda, soft drinks, trailer
RichC | July 13, 2014
In analyzing my Sodastream Christmas gift from the kids … after polishing off the original soda flavors … my 5 gallons of Diet Coke concentrate will last about 6 months. My wife Brenda unfortunately did not become a fan (lifetime Diet Pepsi addict) although I adjusted my daily refreshments choice to primarily the paintball carbonator […]
Category: Financial, Marketing, Sailing, Shopping |
Tags: coke, diet, economics, sodastream, soft drinks
RichC | May 31, 2013
Here’s some pretty much commonsense advice from Dr. Susan Williams at the Cleveland Clinic’s Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute, but a sound reminder for those of us noticing our bodies changing in our 30s, 40s and 50s. First Williams says that we should try to maintain a normal weight without the “rollercoaster of weight gain and […]
Category: Advice, Health |
Tags: cleveland clinic, diet, exercise, Health, weight