RichC | July 24, 2019
As a conservation minded “conservative” and as someone who has always balanced the cost vs benefits of decisions, I once thought “recycling” was as simple as “not littering” and cleaning up pollution highlighted by the 1971 ad campaign (Iron Eyes Cody photo above). From an early age we were bombarded by pointing out how careless […]
Category: Audio, Biodiesel, Environment, History, Marketing, Politics |
Tags: advertising, algae, biodiesel, china, climate change, co2, coal, crisis, democrats, earthday, Environment, epa, green, iron eyes cody, mp3, natural gas, new deal, npr, ocean, plastics, podcast, Politics, polution, recycling, Republicans
RichC | April 23, 2010
Few of us remembering the first Earth Day back in 1970 will argue that mankind was not damaging the environment or that seeking to pollute less wasn’t worthwhile goal. Now looking back 40 years, we can’t deny the significant improvements in both personal and industrial practices — at least in the United States. Still, there […]
Category: Environment, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: earth day, earthday, Environment, green, oil
RichC | April 22, 2009
I don’t normally think about Earth Day in advance, but since Ed Begley Jr. sent me an email mentioning he and his daughter were going to be on Nickelodeon, I set my Tivo. Since I’ve ‘archived’ Season 1 and Season 2 of Living with Ed I figured this would be a good post to mention […]
Category: Biodiesel, Environment, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: earthday, Environment, nickelodeon, tivo, tv