RichC | December 11, 2021
It is a sneaky way to increase what I thought was a customer to Cincinnati Bell “contracted-each-year” cable TV and Internet monthly bill? Nope, according to @CincyBell … after being mislead by customer service that the below increases were “government related fees” and “out of their control” … the increases are negotiated contracts with content […]
Category: Business, Entertainment, Financial, Personal, Social Media |
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Tags: cable, cincinnatibell, content, customer service, fees, fioptics, internet, isp, social, surcharge, television, tv, twitter, utility
RichC | March 27, 2020
If Daniel Ives of Wedbush is right, the new 5G capable Apple iPhone release seems "extremely unlikely" for the normal September or October release this year. Most iPhone iOS users have been anticipating or even holding off on an upgrade thinking they might want the new 5G promise data. Personally, I’m relatively satisfied with my […]
Category: Apple, Business, Cellphone, Technology |
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Tags: 5G, aapl, apple, cincinnatibell, daniel ives, data, fioptics, internet, iphone, isp, seeking alpha, tech friday, techfriday, wedbush
RichC | August 14, 2019
Our current NetGear Nighthawk R7000 router has been exceptionally stable considering the issues I’ve had with cheaper routers and networked devices in the past. I’m pretty happy with it, but in order to get solid coverage, had to add a WiFi Range Extender to cover the detached garage and poolhouse (and yet still have weak […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Innovation, Personal, Shopping, Tablet, Technology |
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Tags: cincinnatibell, condo1718, fioptics, google, home, internet, isp, mesh, meshforce, mymesh, netgear, nighthawk, router, wifi
RichC | May 16, 2019
After struggling to keep our network and Internet connection alive earlier this month, I started to question my relatively expensive Netgear Nighthawk R7000 router and “way too many” devices were the problem? After resetting everything several times, calling Cincinnati Bell Fioptics (our ISP) and shrugging my shoulders, I left town and instructed Brenda on how […]
Category: Computer, Technology |
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Tags: bell, cincinnati, fioptics, internet, isp, netgear, nighthawk, router, speeds
RichC | March 29, 2019
It has been a year since I’ve checked my Internet speed since we have not had any problems, but I doubted we were getting the advertised 500Mbps speeds , but then that my internal network problem. Speed aside, there hasn’t been any reason to question Cincinnati Bell’s service (our TV and internet service provider). They […]
Category: Business, Entertainment, Financial, Innovation, Productivity, Technology |
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Tags: billing, Business, cable, cincinnatibell, haggling, internet, isp, negotiation, practices, promotion, speedtest
RichC | May 5, 2017
Ever since the switch from Time Warner to Cincinnati Bell Fioptics, the Raspberry Pi2 and Pi3 that I’ve been using for testbed Linux servers have been out of commission. I’m struggling to come up with a way to bypass the Port 80 block that CB and many ISPs put in place to protect users equipment […]
Category: Raspberry Pi, Technology |
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Tags: apache, blocking, isp, port 80, raspberry pi, server
RichC | June 6, 2015
In a 2015 look at cable companies, very few customers are happy with their providers, in fact the report indicates a couple of the biggest have lost ground (chart below). Barely half of Mediacom Communications, Time Warner Cable and Comcast customers indicate that they are satisfied with service … and the latter two above have […]
Category: Business, Entertainment, Financial |
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Tags: cable, cnbc, internet, isp, media, survey, television