Music Monday: Kids, Families, Bands and Social Media Fun

| February 5, 2024

Call today’s Music Monday post from a lazy one … but I still like it (what a great dad)! Doesn't look like a lot of money here, not a lot of 'stuff'. There's one thing present that's far more valuable, can you see? — Dane (@UltraDane) February 4, 2024

Kids will be kids … we’re talking goats #video

| April 30, 2023

Some animals “kids” are just like human kids. Who doesn’t see the similarity between goat kids and human kids when it comes to playground excitement.

Friday Filler Video: This dad make surfing with kids look easy

| July 30, 2021

Professional surfer Billy Kemper — and his son Lion — surfing together. Surfer Billy Kemper says he glimpsed at death after a wave broke his pelvis in half (CNN) – It was a tiny error in judgement, but within seconds he realized that the consequences could be potentially life threatening. “That wave sucked me up […]

Children are online A LOT, so how do we protect them?

| July 10, 2019

Oh for the good ol’ days when we read cereal boxes in the morning and just wanted the trinket inside or collected box tops while learning “delayed gratification.”   Kids online: ”81% of the world’s children and 92% of US children now have an online presence before they turn 2. In the US, 95% of […]

Music Monday: And for something totally different from Annalyn

| January 14, 2019

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When it comes to kiddos, ours were the cutest … until now!

| March 10, 2018

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Hidden photos of my kids in a frame that sits on my desk #TBT

| October 19, 2017

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Relaxing weekend with Mom Howard and music reminiscing

| August 15, 2016

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Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog