Happy Mother’s Day 2024 to Brenda, Katelyn and ALL Moms

| May 12, 2024

While picking out a card for “the mother of my grown children” this year, I couldn’t help notice how inflation has impacted the price of greeting cards. Perhaps when I was in the business of putting ink on paper, the price per sheet as it were, I wasn’t really given too much thought to each […]

Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to Brenda and Katelyn … and Happy Birthday to my daughter too

| May 14, 2023

Blooming love’s embrace,Mother’s heart, radiant grace,Forever cherished. While listening to a news program a couple of weeks ago, the morning hosts talked about receiving too many long, overly wordy interoffice emails and notes; I assume journalists can be longwinded? A Haiku challenge ensued.  Haiku (俳句) is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan. […]

Tech Friday: How about a new iPhone14 for Mother’s Day?

| May 5, 2023

Last month I switched my LTE iPhone 7-plus to USMobile, a budget-friendly wireless carrier, and have been satisfied with the trial. Since I will likely stay with the service after making the cumbersome switch from Mint Mobile, I started to think about switching Brenda’s iPhone7 — ugh! So after a little discussion with her about […]

Happy Mother’s Day to a couple of wonderful moms

| May 8, 2022

It is difficult not to recognize what great moms both MomC and MomH were to me … but since they are no longer here, I want to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to a couple of great moms — my wife Brenda and daughter Katelyn. They both have risen to the most important role of […]

Flowers, some Kubota service and waking up the Packard Hawk

| May 11, 2021

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Happy Mother’s Day: Revere, respect and honor your mother. Who knows how many days either of you will have.

| May 9, 2021

I probably should be quoting from Leviticus 19:3, but I can’t help but remember Ferris Bueller commenting that, “Life moves pretty fast …” when thinking about respecting and honoring mothers today. So for Mother’s Day 2021, focus your attention on your mother before it is too late … because from experience, “life does move pretty […]

Happy Mother’s Day to my wife … and as mom to our kids

| May 10, 2020

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Catch up photos from Mother’s Day with the kids

| May 18, 2019

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Happy Mother’s Day to a couple of “young” moms (2017 photo)

| May 12, 2019

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Birthdays, baby Annalyn, mothers, grandmothers and LOVE

| May 17, 2017

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Happy Birthday Katelyn – Happy Mother’s Day to a new mom too

| May 14, 2017

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Happy Mothers Day to my mother-in-law

| May 8, 2016

Unfortunately I’m not able to be with my mother-in-law or my wife today, but here’s wishing her a wonderful Mother’s Day (Happy Mother’s Day to Brenda too!)

Happy Mother’s Day to moms

| May 10, 2015

A great weekend after traveling this week. We enjoyed the first “ribs” of the season and celebrated Mother’s Day with Brenda and her mom by working in the yard. Spring clean-up and “finally” opening the pool — the latest we have ever opened her in Cincinnati (might have been later in Hudson, OH 20 years […]

Happy Mother’s Day to Brenda (Taylor’s mom) and my mom

| May 13, 2012

Mom, from the time I was really young, I realized I had someone…you, who always cared, who always protected me, who was always there for me no matter what. You taught me right from wrong, and pushed me to do the right thing, even when it was hard to do. You took care of me […]

Happy Mother’s Day Brenda

| May 11, 2008

This might seem odd, but a new Royal Star Magnolia (Stellata Magnolia) is a gift that made my wife happy on Mother’s Day — photo and post from Palm Treo. (EDIT: tweaked post Sunday afternoon) Happy Mother’s Day Brenda … and to all mothers reading this. (in fact I think I’ll give ‘my’ mother a […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog