RichC | June 15, 2023
Back in 2009, after years of using Palm OS products like the Palm Pilot, the Handspring Visor, Palm Treo, Palm Centro and my favorite Samsung SPH i500, I eventually ended up with a small pocketable, full-featured smartphone — the Palm Pre. Who knew that only a year later that I would be forced to give […]
Category: Cellphone, Gadget, TBT, Technology |
Tags: palm, palm pre, palmos, smartphone, TBT
RichC | May 19, 2022
Posting a couple of memory photos as a Throwback Thursday #TBT filler post after a conversation with friends last week. One had to do with text messaging, “distracted driving” and remembering my road warrior days of driving back and forth from Cincinnati and NE Ohio while trying to remain connected and productive. Thankfully all ended […]
Category: Automotive, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT, Technology, Travel, Volkswagen |
1 Comment
Tags: cigarettes, distracted, driving, filler, honda pilot, ipad, jetta, laptop, mount, palm pre, palm treo, road warrior, TBT, tdi, throwback, vending machines, vw
RichC | May 7, 2021
If you keep your eyes open, there are plenty of interesting Android and iPhone concept videos floating around. As a Palm Pre slider user, I’ve always thought there might be another slider (or foldable) pocket friendly phone in my future. Here’s an iPhone slider demo that has promise … although personally I think we’ll see […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Gadget, Innovation, Technology |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, apple, concept, demo, gif, iphone, palm pre, pocket, samsung, sph-i500, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | December 30, 2009
Another phone to blog test this one with a photo from the Palm Pre ‘Update’ screen (via Posterous but edited): Palm updated their webOS to version 1.3.5 during the last few days of 2009, and from my preliminary testing has improved the speed on my Pre. I’m hoping for battery improvement that has been promised, […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: palm, palm pre, palmos, smartphone, webos