RichC | August 30, 2024
In scanning through a couple of “foreign” woodworking magazines, there were a couple of ideas and even a set of plans (in metric) that I decided to snip and archive. Loved the idea above for hanging cords, etc … similar to a commercial one that I use … and a more complicated Slant Leg Coffee […]
Category: Archive, Woodworking |
Tags: pdf, plans, project, woodworking, workshop
RichC | September 17, 2022
Having initially enjoyed the weekly meal offering from Hello Fresh, the menu started to get a little stale as new items began to resemble previous meals. With inflation at the grocery store (and the fuel and time cost), the price was somewhat less of a gripe, but both of us started to notice fewer and […]
Category: Business, Financial, Food, Personal, Shopping |
Tags: eating, enticement, food,, meals, online, plans, subscription, tacos
RichC | March 12, 2021
Back in January I switched my “off contract” iPhone7 Plus over to Mint Mobile and a month later switched over Brenda’s iPhone7. The transition was smooth and pretty much glitchless. Service from our previous Virgin Mobile then Boost Mobile plan is basically the same, although initially restricted me to 3GB of data per month (now […]
Category: Cellphone, Financial, Gadget, Technology |
Tags: apple, boost, carrier, Cellphone, contract, iphone, iphone7, mint mobile, plans, review, sprint, switching, t-mobile, tech friday, techfriday, virgin
RichC | February 20, 2021
The weather has been … well, wintery and I’ve been working on a self-designed prototype desktop bookshelf or bookstand with the thought of making a couple of them. Unfortunately desks … let alone books … are disappearing as a Future of Everything WSJ article mentioned this past year. The design is relatively simple in that […]
Category: Books, Hobby, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
1 Comment
Tags: blade, Books, bookshelf, bookstand, dado, desk, flat grind, jig, office, plans, prototype, tablesaw, walnut, weather, woodworking, workshop
RichC | July 6, 2018
It is never fun playing plan games with wireless carriers, especially if you have been 100% satisfied with everything "as is." After switching to VirginMobileUSA last year due to a SUPER promotion, I could not be happier with Virgin’s special price and service … but all good things seem to come to an end. This […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Productivity, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: aaa, carrier, Cellphone, data, hotspot, plans, smartphone, sprint, tech friday, techfriday, ting, virgin mobile, wireless
RichC | March 22, 2015
Last year about this time I had mentally decided that Brenda and I would be cruising the Bahamas aboard our sailboaat Encore in March 2015, but as “life happens” those dreams were not meant to be. As the year progressed, both of our surviving parents had health concerns requiring more of our attention, Encore started […]
Category: Personal, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: cruising, diesel, encore, plans, sailboat, sailing, volvo
RichC | October 6, 2014
After a few months of talking, we finally switch two of our phones to Ting. Hopefully the service won’t change and that with only two of us on the account we’ll be able to save a few dollars. As I mentioned before, my daughter made the switch a couple months ago after her move to […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, How-To |
Tags: apple, carrier, Cellphone, iphone, plans, sprint,