RichC | May 19, 2023
As a long time fan of the long running television series “M*A*S*H,” I could help but be impressed by a photo making its way around social media (probably something to do with my age). This is an impressive group of young look-alikes posing for an eerily similar photo (I’m keeping my eyes open for the […]
Category: Entertainment, Misc, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: friday filler, look-alike, mash, series, social media, television, tv
RichC | March 11, 2021
My generation grew up with a handful of odd, yet popular with kids, television shows, none more endearing that Gilligan’s Island … which shockingly is still loved by almost everyone in reruns still today. After mentioning the passing of Dawn Wells, who play castaway Mary Ann, I realized that only Tina Louise (Ginger) is still […]
Category: Entertainment, Memories, TBT, Video-TV |
Tags: 1960s, gilligan's island, late show, mp4, reunion, ross shafer, series, TBT, television, throwback, thursday, tv, video
RichC | November 25, 2019
This content is restricted.
Category: Entertainment, Music |
Tags: dusty springfield, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, oliver nelson, series, six million dollar man, song, television, theme, tv
RichC | November 14, 2019
Not often, but once in a while there is a television series that hooks both Brenda and me. When “binge-watching” started in earnest, a decade or so ago, it was Jericho for us (although we Tivo-ed it weekly), then 24 (although in 2009 we watch DVDs pre-streaming), and then one of our favorites, FX Networks The […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies |
1 Comment
Tags: amazon, binge, entertainment, man in the high castle, phillip dick, prime, series, television, tv, video, watching
RichC | August 5, 2019
While Brenda and I wait for the new season of our favorite book-to-television Amazon Prime’s “Man In The High Castle” series, we (or should I really say “she”) got hooked on the popular binge watched series “Stranger Things.” It is amazing how our television habits have changed in this past decade? Gone are the weekend […]
Category: Automotive, Movies, News, Photos, Video-TV |
Tags: amazon, content, diesel, elergy, films, hillbilly, man in the high castle, mercedes, Movies, netflix, prime, ron howard, series, stranger things, streaming, tdi, volkswagen, W123
RichC | September 22, 2017
The Ken Burns and Lynn Novick 10 part documentary THE VIETNAM WAR airing each night this past week on PBS has been eye opening even for someone who "thought" they knew their Vietnam history. I’ve read a lot of books over the years and lived through most of the war stateside in real time (to […]
Category: Education, History |
Tags: documentary, History, ken burns, pbs, series, television, vietnam, war
RichC | August 30, 2017
Every once in a while I strike up a conversation with a lessor known author about their writing and want to read their work. Philip C. Elrod is one such author and after exchanging a few messages, I decided I should at least give the first book of his series about events atop Sand Mountain […]
Category: Books |
Tags: book, ebook, elrod, fiction, kindle, sand mountain, series