Leftover political humor highlighting a U.S. postage stamp

| February 2, 2025

Although I’m sure the November 2024 election loss might still be raw for some, a leftover lampoon of the 46th president and a U.S. postage stamp “might” of had me smiling … as did “this real video” a couple months ago. It could have been tossed to the computer trash or left to humor others […]

Tech Friday: Distrust Artificial Intellegence #AI as we do social media … or for that matter the mainstream media #MSM

| November 22, 2024

This past week, while digging up answers for tax planning for a Barron’s Advisor group that I participate in, I searched for the standard 2024 deduction changes based on age, etc. At the top of my Brave Browser search (their Leo AI engine), which I’ve found helpful several times, pop the summary below:  This recent search […]

Tech Friday: Politics has triggered some people to leave X.com

| November 15, 2024

It has been a challenging week and a half for a few of my more liberal Democrat friends on the social media platform X.com (previously Twitter). I’m unsure if it is anger, disbelief or a way to strike back now that President-Elect Donald Trump won the election. Trump has been rapidly nominating his cabinet (mostly […]

Where did you meet your spouse? How couple met 1930-2024

| November 2, 2024

Here’s an eye-opening video chart from LinkedIn shared on social media (X.com). Although some might question the raw data, it is nevertheless interesting … particularly as people started meeting each other online!   

Tech Friday: Finally upgraded to a ‘paid’ X.com subscription

| June 7, 2024

I’ve been using Twitter, which is now X.com after Elon Musk purchase $TWTR and renamed it, since the early days of the 240 character social network. Shockingly, it has now been over 17 years since I joined in February of 2007 … and I decided it was finally time to eliminate the ads and gain […]

Tech Friday: Elon Musk announces Twitter’s bird is now X

| July 28, 2023

Things continue to change over at Twitter, at least as the old is removed and the new is implemented. I’m not sure the switch from the Twitter “bird” to the symbol “X” is all that big of a deal, but it does at least keep people in the tech world talking. Who knows if Elon […]

Filler Friday: A fun dad entertaining his son #video

| June 2, 2023

It seems like a shorter than usual week (it was with Memorial Day), so I’m tossing in a Friday Filler video and a #DDJ below the break that is sure to make most of us smile. 

A Friday Filler photo emulating TV’s “M*A*S*H” characters

| May 19, 2023

As a long time fan of the long running television series “M*A*S*H,” I could help but be impressed by a photo making its way around social media (probably something to do with my age). This is an impressive group of young look-alikes posing for an eerily similar photo (I’m keeping my eyes open for the […]

Friday Filler: Sharks in a tank and being manipulated by fear

| March 3, 2023

Snipped a couple of social media shared images this past week that may not be completely truthful … but they do trigger thinking about one’s “personal growth” and how easily we are manipulated by “fear.”  So .. open your mind, be thoughtful and willing to entertain different views with polite debate and discussion. Most of […]

Wishing ALL a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2023

| January 1, 2023

I would like to wish everyone visiting MyDesultoryBlog.com a Happy and Healthy New Year … and after seeing this “black ice” social media shared video from last months deadly winter storm … safe traveling in 2023. Whew … very frightening.   https://mdbav.s3.amazonaws.com/DangerousBlackIce2022.mp4

How many places do you call home … how about 11 in a lifetime?

| February 23, 2022

Interesting tidbit: According to a post on social media (take that for what it is worth), “the average person lives in 11 homes in there lifetime.” It doesn’t detail if a college dorm is considering a “home,”  but if I eliminate them … I’m up to EIGHT that I call “a residence.” In pondering my […]

Something a bit more amateur for this week’s Music Monday

| December 27, 2021

Social media is filled with nastiness and ugly news … but it is also a place for upbeat positive news, scripture, prayer requests and a shared love of song and some heartwarming father-daughter bonding.  I’m not sure who these “smiling” amateur singers are that appeared on my Twitter feed, but it made my day and […]

A practical lesson for students who insist that socialism works

| November 27, 2021

Music Monday: The Coasters, “Yakety Yak” and an aviation tweet

| August 16, 2021

This content is restricted.

Reminder to myself: We need a new trash can. #video

| October 20, 2020

Just a “beary” interesting video that is making its way around social media. The bear is a big one, but I’m more impressed with the trash can!

What are we hearing as the 2020 presidential election nears?

| June 14, 2020

Ok … I’ve decided that most of the outrage (see 1, 2 & 3) in our country happening is politically motivated and it is being fanned and fueled by political operatives and left-wing ideologues as we approach the 2020 election. Considering we’ve been through racial outrage before, the latest looks to me to be a […]

Happy Birthday Ron! Did you know you had a doppelgänger?

| May 21, 2020

Happy Birthday to my brother today. Although it is not every year I mentioned birthdays, particularly for those of us who prefer the year count be ignored, but this year with social distancing and lack of a physically connecting, I’ll post a birthday wish to Ron. Happy Birthday! While I’m thinking about it, I came […]

Let’s all put into practice Ellen’s “Be Kind To Everyone” advice

| October 9, 2019

An Ellen DeGeneres video clip (shared on EllenTube) has been circulating this week after she attended a Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers NFL football game last weekend. With inflamed politics and our divided country it was both good to see and good to hear celebrities getting along. We all need to take her advice […]

Did this dad get that automotive anchor symbol wrong? #humor

| October 6, 2019

Saw this on one of my Facebook car groups and couldn’t help but posting on Twitter!

Tech Friday: The challenges of policing speech on social media

| July 12, 2019

There are challenges from users and governments facing several of the companies who make money advertising to the millions of eyeballs and the marketing of users personal data. We all want “free services,” but most people dislike the collection and selling of their personal data or having to sift through advertising … especially when it […]

Twitter is a dead bird at the moment …

| July 11, 2019

I tend to use Twitter $TWTR as my daily newsfeed and choice of social media comment platform, but on Thursday afternoon this week, it is not working. For me, it is no big deal, but for reporters and politicians, it is the way they communicate nowadays. It will be interesting to hear what caused the […]

Tech Friday: The Social Media that has become part of my life

| April 26, 2019

Likely I am not alone in constantly reevaluating the pros and cons of participating in social media. I’ve purposely limited my exposure to only a couple of platforms even though I enjoy staying in touch with friends and acquaintances … and generally don’t have a problem with people respectfully debating news and politics. Facebook as […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog