RichC | September 15, 2018
A shocking number of Twitter impression for a simple Volkswagen Beetle update I posted yesterday – well over 100,000. I do use Twitter regularly to share and comment a variety of topics, but rarely have tweets generated more than 10,000 looks or a handful of retweets and likes (on the other hand, my blog’s Google […]
Category: Automotive, News, Social Media, Volkswagen |
Tags: beetle, Social Networking, tweets, twitter, volkswagen
RichC | August 24, 2018
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | WE | | ARE NOT | | THE | | NATIONAL | | ENQUIRER | | _______| (\__/) || (•ㅅ•) || / づ — Enquirer (@Enquirer) August 23, 2018
Category: Humor, News, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: cincinnati, enquirer, newspaper, Social Networking, tech friday, techfriday, twitter
RichC | March 22, 2016
Twitter marked TEN years of micro social networking this week … or perhaps more appropriately stated as a real time newsfeed and feedback mechanism? At least that is how I have used the service for over 9 of those 10 years. Most journalists, politicians, corporate heads and notable celebrities use Twitter (and other social networks) […]
Category: Social Media |
Tags: anniversary, birthday, Social Networking, twitter
RichC | October 29, 2015
Now that the popular social networking company Twitter has a “rudder,” Jack Dorsey, CEO, one would think confidence would be higher? That is difficult to tell when reading and monitoring those who are paid to research, have deeper insight and advise investors (graphic on right). The consensus is wildly split, both on the direction of […]
Category: Business, Financial, Social Media |
Tags: $TWTR, investing, Social Networking, stocks, trading, twitter
RichC | July 29, 2014
My morning routine includes turning on CNBC for my business news, trading and investing “fix” and the segment on the Facebook vs. Twitter social networking challenge peaked my interest. As expected, the focus was primarily which stock would make an investor the most money. Obviously Facebook has a significant lead both in platform maturity and […]
Category: Financial, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: facebook, finance, investing, Social Networking, trading, twitter
RichC | July 15, 2014
I didn’t think I spent all that much time posting comments to Twitter, but over the years it does add up. I noticed that my Volkswagen Crossblue post Monday hit the 9000 mark (below). But then it occurred to me that those tweets don’t include the automatic notifications sent out by WordPress … add […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Social Media |
Tags: mydesultoryblog, Social Networking, twitter
RichC | June 22, 2012
I’m probably not the only one who has “excessively” followed people on Twitter over the past few years … so I am trying to clean up my tweetstream with TwitCleaner. So far so good. Twit Cleaner [web] (free) If you follow a large number of people and are looking to clean up your timeline, Twit […]
Category: Advice, Computer, Social Media |
Tags: Social Networking, twitcleaner, twitter
RichC | July 9, 2011
First Impressions: After a couple of days playing with the new social networking service being rolled out by Google call Google+ (or G+ or Google Plus), it is my conclusion that it is it is far better than the ungainly Google Wave — which really isn’t what most think of as social networking services. Google+ […]
Category: Computer, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: g+, google, plus, Social Networking
RichC | July 7, 2011
Am I the only one questioning how some Terms of Service agreements are chipping away at user’s privacy, or just plain legally taking their posted information? Take for example Google+ project … they aren’t exactly protecting the users while freely offering this new social networking service. Will it be enough to prevent me from using […]
Category: Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: google, privacy, Social Networking, tos
RichC | February 9, 2011
The latest install of the Tweetdeck (v0.37.2) Twitter client added a new feature, a shortcut link called, that allows for longer messages. Although the feature enables significantly more text to be included in a tweet, it does take away from the simplicity of Twitter … and the necessity to be concise. Personally I doubt […]
Category: Computer, How-To, Social Media |
Tags:, Social Networking, tweetdeck, twitter
RichC | April 22, 2010
What are you doing when you click the Facebook “Like” button? You might want to think twice before you divulge your taste to companies who might be interested in marketing to you … especially if you prefer your privacy. The social networking giant Facebook has a potential goldmine of user information that can be marketed […]
Category: Computer, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: facebook, Marketing, Social Networking, wsj
RichC | March 6, 2010
I’m a couple days late in commenting on the newly released Facebook application for the Palm webOS smartphones, but wanted to mention that it has been significantly improved. If you are a Facebook user, or even a newbie, the enhancements available for the Pre and Pixi make the popular social networking site almost worth using. […]
Category: Cellphone, How-To, Productivity, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: facebook, palm, pixi, Social Networking, webos
RichC | January 20, 2010
After years of resisting the thought of using ‘my kids’ preferred social networking site Facebook, I’m starting get the urge to check my “wall” (or “walls” plural – explained below) once in a while. Usually this occurs after being send a link, or receiving an email invite from someone I might, or might not, know. […]
Category: Personal, Social Media |
Tags: college, facebook, friends, skype, Social Networking
RichC | March 15, 2009
Laughing at my idiocy. I dislike shaking spray paint cans so taped to end of recipricating saw blade & squeezed the trigger. Hey it works! # Wrapping up the day although my whiteboard still as a list of unfinished tasks. Going to weld & paint a broken gate tonight. # New laptop battery is no […]
Category: Social Media |
Tags: Social Networking, tweets, twitter
RichC | March 15, 2009
Laughing at my idiocy. I dislike shaking spray paint cans so taped to end of recipricating saw blade & squeezed the trigger. Hey it works! # Wrapping up the day although my whiteboard still as a list of unfinished tasks. Going to weld & paint a broken gate tonight. # New laptop battery is no […]
Category: Social Media |
Tags: Social Networking, tweets, twitter
RichC | March 3, 2009
Testing new Twitter polling tool by (thanks for the link @stoweboyd)
Category: Computer, Financial, Technology |
Tags: Poll, Social Networking, twtpoll
RichC | February 11, 2009
While reading Kara Swisher‘s AllThingsDigital’s “Boomtown,” I came across a quote she posted in the side bar of her blog pulled from Brian Solis … … 120 is the new 140. Retweeting is one of the most valuable currencies in the Twitter economy. Leave room in your tweets to make it easier for someone to […]
Category: Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: allthingsd, internet, kara swisher, Social Networking, twitter, web 2.0, wsj
RichC | December 17, 2008
Caroline McCarthy with CNET News offered up some thoughts on how Twitter and company Evan Williams, CEO could best eventually monetize their traffic and users. In an interview on, she talked about the rapid growth of this microblogging and social network company AND which companies stand to best use Twitter for marketing their product […]
Category: Computer |
Tags: Social Networking