RichC | July 23, 2022
Here’s a very short video highlighting several different kinds of popular wall anchors or mollies and how easy they are to use compared to each other. I saw it on social media and found it an interesting tidbit for woodworking or for those of us spending time in a workshop.
Category: Social Media, Tidbits, Tools, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: anchor, anchors, mollies, mp4, screws, tips, tools, tool_tips, wall, workshop
RichC | January 31, 2019
In my workshop there is a spot on the wall behind dad’s small drill press and my router table for old tools. As mentioned before, I use Brenda’s dads’ dental tools regularly and have put a few of DadH’s woodworking tools on the wall – it is too bad I passed on the dental chair. […]
Category: Archive, History, Memories, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
1 Comment
Tags: ancestry, box, clamps, corbett, dadc, dadh, drillpress, grandfather, hirth, holmstrom, howard, legacy, shelf, toolbox, tools, wall, woodworking, workshop
RichC | January 12, 2019
There is one thing that is consistent in Washington DC … politicians and bureaucrats love spending other people’s money. It doesn’t matter whether they are a Democrats or a Republicans … socialists or capitalists … politicians all want someone else to pay for their ideas. The current top two politicians in the news are newly […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: budget, bureaucracy, capitalism, democrat, government, Ocasia-Cortez, opinion, Politics, republican, socialism, spending, taxes, trump, wall