RichC | August 25, 2016
After we “cooked” our generator (my fault for not telling Brenda to prop open the enclosure door), I’ve been tinkering to get parts in order to fix it as mentioned before … but my best attempt as scrounging parts has failed. I could only come up with a possible match for the windings and the […]
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Tags: addition, back up, design, generator, greenhouse, grill, porch, power, project
RichC | April 28, 2008
My back is sore and my muscles ach as this past weekend was spent working in the yard … well really in just part of the yard. I’ve been reworking the landscaping as the ‘new porch’ is slowly coming together — this past weekend was the small pond and opening up the pool. (too many […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: addition, back porch, blacktop, construction, driveway, family, home, house, improvements, landscape, pond, project
RichC | December 22, 2007
Our backporch project is S-L-O-W-L-Y progressing; about the only thing slower is the airplane project! 😀 The slightly warmer weather this week permitted our contractor a window to pour and stamp concrete although we are in for a change come tonight. Nevertheless, I’m glad to at least get the concrete poured! Click photos for larger […]
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Tags: addition, back porch, backporch, construction, house, project
RichC | November 17, 2007
The stone masons (stone artists) continue to make slow progress on our new back porch fireplace. I’m finally giving up on having an evening fire before winter.
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Tags: addition, back porch, construction, house, project
RichC | November 4, 2007
Our back porch project continues to slowly progress as the fireplace begins to take shape. I’m hoping the stone masons will show up this week and that the weather continues to remain dry.
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Tags: addition, back porch, construction, house, project
RichC | October 30, 2007
(New Palm Centro smartphone photo test – click photo for larger) The weather is starting to turn a bit nippy and our back porch project is still without an outdoor fireplace, not that you’ll catch me sitting out there at 32 degrees. (temperature this morning) According to the the builders, waiting on the stone masons […]
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Tags: addition, back porch, construction, house, project
RichC | October 12, 2007
The framing crew has been moving along quickly as the back porch project starts to take shape. Like most building projects, framing is an exciting part as one get a feel for the size and feel of the space. I’m looking forward to getting the stone in place and the artist/stone layer working on the […]
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Tags: addition, back porch, construction, house, project
RichC | September 30, 2007
The final construction project that will complete the original plans for our home is underway as the masonry crew finished the foundation. We are adding a back porch and outdoor fireplace (left elevation) that replaces an existing deck which houses our hot tub. The new stamped concrete is in place of the 12 year old […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: addition, back porch, construction, house, project