RichC | October 30, 2017
One plant I can cultivate well is the Lonicera maackii … the invasive honeysuckle. They take no care and can withstand heavy pruning and replants themselves EVERYWHERE. This year they are even more heavily berried than usual. Unfortunately they are both messy (very soft) and mildly poisonous! Still, they provide a decent hedgerow along our property […]
Category: Environment, Misc, Photos |
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Tags: autumn, berry, bush, honeysuckle, invasive, landscape, plant
RichC | June 30, 2017
Switching from an iPhone 5s to an iPhone 7 Plus has a few surprising pluses and minuses that need to be address by new users. One such negative adjustment has a fix that on the surface may not be found by everyone. The annoyance: The larger iPhones (currently 6 Plus & 7 Plus) go into […]
Category: Advice, Apple, Cellphone, How-To, Tablet, Technology |
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Tags: home, iphone, landscape, mode, plus, portrait, screen, standard, zoom
RichC | April 28, 2008
My back is sore and my muscles ach as this past weekend was spent working in the yard … well really in just part of the yard. I’ve been reworking the landscaping as the ‘new porch’ is slowly coming together — this past weekend was the small pond and opening up the pool. (too many […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: addition, back porch, blacktop, construction, driveway, family, home, house, improvements, landscape, pond, project