RichC | June 27, 2021
Who doesn’t occasionally need a little advice from the helpful tips, tricks and tidbits floating around the Internet? Here’s one that should be familiar to most of us, but surprisingly catches us off guard once in a while when a roll of aluminum foil pops out of the box and ends up unrolled and dinged […]
Category: Advice, Blogs, Tidbits |
Tags: aluminum, foil, hack, internet, reynolds wrap, tip
RichC | March 14, 2021
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Category: Advice, Archive, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
Tags: aluminum, annalyn, archive, betterbox, cement, family, haircut, katelyn, mailbox, perrysburg, quikcrete, repair, replace
RichC | July 5, 2020
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Category: Ideas, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: aluminum, annalyn, bees, birdhouse, bluebird, box joint, carpenter, finger, granddaughters, jigs, katelyn, table saw, woodworking, workshop
RichC | April 10, 2020
Last week my son Taylor and friend Jeff both sent me their “homemade” stand-up or propped up (with books) notebook computers while working from home. I suspect they aren’t the only COVID19 “stay-at-home” workers trying to come up with comfortable ways to do their jobs? I know Jeff once had a stand-up desk at work […]
Category: Computer, Gadget, Ideas, Photos, Productivity, Video, Woodworking |
Tags: aluminum, coronavirus, covid19, desk, idea, mp4, notebook, project, stand-up, tech friday, techfriday, woodworking, work
RichC | June 13, 2019
We have so many cans (mostly Brenda’s Diet Pepsi, but plenty of my Diet Mountain Dew as well) is almost embarrassing how I take aluminum cans to a local recycling center. It is even more eye-opening to “see” just how much pop (soda) we buy and consume! How is it possible to drink this many […]
Category: Archive, BMW, Financial, Food, Health, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT |
1 Comment
Tags: addiction, aluminum, brenda, caffiene, cans, carbonated, diet, drink, habit, mountain dew, pepsi, pop, recycle, rich, soda, soft drinks, trailer
RichC | August 7, 2018
I just love good ideas. Here is one that I grabbed off of an ad on my iPhone that uses the car door pillar “loop” to hold a machined aluminum hook attached to a step. The simple step is used to reach items strapped to a roof rack or car top carrier. It would be […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Ideas, Misc |
1 Comment
Tags: aluminum, innovation, step
RichC | October 3, 2016
The generator "security cage" project for our sailboat Encore is ready to be installed. I’m not fond of making a few more holes in the deck, but it needs to be done. The final touches (minus adding Velcro) were taken care of this past weekend. That included softening the aluminum edges, adding shrink tubing to […]
Category: Personal, Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: aluminum, cage, encore, EU2000i, generator, honda, project, sailboat
RichC | September 21, 2016
In a previous post, I sketched out a "Generator Cage," for the lack of a better term, for our sailboat Encore. The idea is to slip off a Sunbrella cover so we can use the Honda EU2000i Inverter Generator mentioned here on the aft deck when needing power at anchor to charge the batteries and […]
Category: Energy, Misc, Personal, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: aluminum, encore, EU2000i, generator, honda, inverter, tig, welding
RichC | July 21, 2015
The weekend project is coming together in the back of the “new to me” low-mile 2002 Honda Odyssey minivan I bought for $3700 from my dad. I wanted a shelf/workbench that can serve a couple of purposes. It doubles the storage use of the area behind the rear seat and enables me to fold all […]
Category: Automotive, Misc, Personal, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: aluminum, honda, odyssey, project, tig, welding, workbench
RichC | July 19, 2015
I “know better” than to wear shorts and non-leather shoes when welding … but with the shop temperatures in the 90’s I ignored the safety rules and ruined my pair of good Keen shoes. Thankfully, after burning through my sock (don’t normally even wear them) the hot slag didn’t seriously burn my toe, but did […]
Category: Automotive, Misc, Tools |
Tags: aluminum, burns, honda, keen, odyssey, shoes, tig, toes, welding