Excellent shop tip for better plug welds on automotive panels

| June 12, 2024

Great from Eastwood‘s “Mark’s Garage” in using a 4-fluke end mill in a cordless drill to remove “weld through” primer’s and coatings when making plug welds. Also appreciated the budget minded 3/16″ drill bit advice from a follower: “You don’t need to buy an end mill. Grind a drill bit flat on the end and […]

Filler: This optical illusion hurts my eyes and brain

| October 11, 2023

This optical illusion “welding” project hurts my eyes and brain.

Someone’s Tesla is plugged into my 220VAC welding circuit?

| August 9, 2020

This content is restricted.

Sunday Filler since the long weekend has been busy with family

| December 1, 2019

Likely too busy to post something … but this is mesmerizing (I wish I had this kind of TIG welding skill!)

Beautiful artwork by someone with TIG talent

| October 2, 2018

FYI … not my work, as I’m nowhere close to having skills like this (although it may inspire me to practice!)

Quick time-lapse attempt to photograph Solar Eclipse 2017

| August 22, 2017

For the good photos check in with NASA (above) or a professional photographer who travels to the optimal locations and spends more than 5 minutes taping a welding filter to his camera … for a less than perfect “time-lapse” solar eclipse attempt, check my photos below. It was at least fun to mark the occasion; […]

What do you do when you mix up too much epoxy?

| October 28, 2016

Repair a shoe of course!  I’ve was frustrated with my carelessness when welding last year after burning a hole in my Keen shoes, but still wear them (albeit with a little more air conditioning than I would like). So after mixing a little more epoxy than needed for a repair, I dabbed a little bit […]

Generator cage project and relearning TIG welding skills

| September 21, 2016

In a previous post, I sketched out a "Generator Cage," for the lack of a better term, for our sailboat Encore. The idea is to slip off a Sunbrella cover so we can use the Honda EU2000i Inverter Generator mentioned here on the aft deck when needing power at anchor to charge the batteries and […]

My 2002 Honda Odyssey gains a shelf and workbench

| July 21, 2015

The weekend project is coming together in the back of the “new to me” low-mile 2002 Honda Odyssey minivan I bought for $3700 from my dad. I wanted a shelf/workbench that can serve a couple of purposes. It doubles the storage use of the area behind the rear seat and enables me to fold all […]

A close call while welding for the “little piggy who had none”

| July 19, 2015

I “know better” than to wear shorts and non-leather shoes when welding … but with the shop temperatures in the 90’s I ignored the safety rules and ruined my pair of good Keen shoes. Thankfully, after burning through my sock (don’t normally even wear them) the hot slag didn’t seriously burn my toe, but did […]

There is a masked man in the garage!

| July 3, 2013

Having July 4th fall on a Thursday this week is creating chaos with my travel schedule. Each appointment scheduling call I’ve made is finding everyone taking a few days off … I should have done the same? Anyway, spending time in town gave me a chance to dust off my TIG welding skills or lack […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog