RichC | February 28, 2020
Right-click and Save-as for a very interesting larger download version of this map A new Brilliant Maps twitter feed is constantly sharing some very interesting mapping projects and this one was particularly intriguing. As a commenter posted, “obviously a map like this is going to disputed, but PisseGuri82 has gone to great lengths to explain […]
Category: Blogs, Education, History, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: border, geography, History, maps, reddit, tech friday, techfriday, world
RichC | January 25, 2019
As more and more federal employees decide they aren’t going to continue to work without a paycheck, the focus has shifted to the unpaid in the Coast Guard, TSA and Air Traffic Control. Air travel has now moved front and center as the “shutdown-standoff” continues (the Senate is at least negotiating). Flyers are feeling it […]
Category: Aviation, News, Politics |
Tags: airplane, airport, animated, bird, border, drone, FAA, gif, pelosi, Politics, quadrotor, security, shutdown, strike, Travel, trump, tsa, video
RichC | June 24, 2018
While there is no doubt the "fabricated" Time magazine cover photo has impact and tugs at everyone’s heartstrings, the deeper story represents far more than the current illegal immigration debate over separating children from those who bring them across the U.S.-Mexican border, whether with parents, relatives or traffickers. ("fabricated" in that the photo is obviously […]
Category: News, Photography, Photos, Politics |
Tags: alien, border, cover, crossing, illegal, immigration, magazine, media, photo, time
RichC | May 20, 2010
Most agree that the Federal government isn’t doing its job when it comes to protecting the southern U.S. border or in dealing effectively with illegal immigration, yet there is disagreement as to when affected states can enforce laws associated with a person’s immigration status. Heated debate continues on both sides seeing politicians from California (and […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: arizona, border, calderon, immigration, mexico, obama