Websites and social media feeds highlighting maps intrigue me

| January 9, 2025

A map by region illustrating the larger variations of temperatures than below Since I love looking at maps of all kinds, I’m always attracted to the ones that trigger intrigue me and helps me learn a little more about our world. I especially enjoy weather related maps (perhaps they often relate to aviation and sailing), […]

Women are becoming politically liberal, as men lean conservative

| December 14, 2024

Although I’m glad the 2024 presidential election is behind us in the United States (and hope Kamala Harris becomes a lost memory), there’s a lot of angst in our country and in the world over the political direction and change.  I’m cautiously, optimistic that a Trump administration will have a foreign policy that leads to […]

When were the borders of the countries of the World mapped?

| February 22, 2023

Here is an impressive map of "The Age of the World’s Borders." (right-click and zoom in) But when were most of the world’s borders formed? By time period they are: 1200-1499: 2,405km (0.9%) 1500-1699: 5,463km (2.1%) 1700-1724: 4,264km (1.6%) 1725-1749: 0km (0%) 1750-1774: 8,491km (3.3%) 1775-1799: 4,350km (1.7%) 1800-1824: 9,025km (3.5%) 1825-1849: 9,309km (3.6%) 1850-1874: […]

Pyramid of Giza in Egypt from above

| August 31, 2022

The largest of the Egyptian pyramids is the Great Pyramid of Giza., one of The Seven Wonders of the World.  It was the tomb of the Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khufu and was build in the early 26th century BC. It stands 481 feet and is normally seen from a horizon view as in Wikipedia  (photo […]

A map of showing the 4037 cities with populations over 100K

| September 23, 2021

This map was posted on Brilliant Maps back in 2015, but graphically seeing the 4037 cities around the world with over 100,000 people in them was interesting for those of us who enjoy studying maps. LINK to larger black and white and LINK to color overlay map It may not be the most up-to-date map, […]

After 6 days, the Ever Given is moving and the Suez Canal is open

| March 30, 2021

The news that has captured much of the of the world’s interest this week was the very large Ever Given container ship lodged sideways in the Suez Canal by 40+ mph winds (and perhaps some mechanical issues?). The “Empire State Building” size ship snarled traffic for 6 days surprising most people as to just how […]

Tech Friday, sort of: If you like geography, world history and maps – you will like this

| February 28, 2020

Right-click and Save-as for a very interesting larger download version of this map A new Brilliant Maps twitter feed is constantly sharing some very interesting mapping  projects and this one was particularly intriguing. As a commenter posted, “obviously a map like this is going to disputed, but PisseGuri82 has gone to great lengths to explain […]

Archive: Photos of Annalyn sure brings a smile to this grandpa

| October 8, 2019

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Forgotten and leftover from Christmas 2016

| March 19, 2017

My son Taylor is geography and map kind of guy so I gave him a mag-lift spinning globe for his desk for Christmas 2016. His interests and innate sense of direction is probably why he pursued “Urban Planning and now coordinates development for Clermont County Ohio as a county planner. Anyway, I had forgotten that […]

Testing HTML5 Compact Audio plugin for WordPress

| November 14, 2016

As part of getting a handle on the Amazon S3 costs, it is finally time to move into the 21st century and eliminate the old-school audio player on MyDesultoryBlog. I attempted to go with an HTML5 player a few years ago, but struggled with using it especially with different browsers. A few years later, everything […]

Jimmy Buffett made a cameo in Jurassic World – who knew?

| February 17, 2016

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Video: World record semi truck jump

| July 28, 2015

More video and info – Washington Post Link

Jurassic World opens this weekend and will be a blockbuster

| June 12, 2015

Tell me that Steven Spielberg’s movie Jurassic World (opening June 12, 2015) is not going to be a well attended summer blockbuster? If the 63 million views YouTube movie trailer is any indication (below), it is exactly what the Hollywood and the movie industry plans on when coaxing people to the theaters with these kinds […]

A couple oceans of the world photos – sharks, fish and rays

| June 18, 2012

  I’m either too busy or too lazy to add a post for Monday … as both Sunday night and Monday morning have disappeared. Instead, I’ll reshare  a couple interesting oceans of the world photos. (Sharks with schools of fish and a large “Batoidea” migration.)

B-E-A-UTIFUL anchorage photo from the Chagos

| August 15, 2011

Couldn’t resist dreaming of exotic ports of call and far away anchorages … this one is from the Chagos in the Indian Ocean (he archipelago has the largest expanse of undisturbed coral reefs in the Indian Ocean, as well as rare and endangered species of birds and other wildlife. There are strict conservation rules, which […]

Obituary: WWII hero Major Dick Winters 1/21/1918-1/2/2011

| January 10, 2011

My son’s hero, as well as one of America’s WWII heroes, Major Richard ‘Dick’ Winters died this past week after battling Parkinson’s Disease for the past few years. He was 92 and is well respected for his bravery and leadership during World War II. Most of us learned of his service in the book and […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog