RichC | February 13, 2024
As a long time Volkswagen guy … I enjoyed the “An American Love Story” commercial (YouTube) in Super Bowl LVIII. Of course there were a lot of creative advertisements, but the VW one tugged at my heart-strings. Those who know me, know that I’ve had a memorable history with VW vehicles, from my high […]
Category: Automotive, Marketing, Memories, Sports, Video, Volkswagen |
1 Comment
Tags: commercial, mp4, super bowl, volkswagen, vw, youtube
RichC | November 4, 2023
Occasionally a television commercial tickles my funny bone and makes me smile every time it comes on the TV. My wife knows that I’ll be emulating the “sometimes all it takes is a piece of pie to bring a little sunshine in their life again” (with a very flawed southern accent). Unfortunately for Fox News […]
Category: Humor, Video-TV |
Tags: advertising, balance of nature, commercial, Humor, mp4, tv
RichC | October 31, 2022
It doesn’t get any odder than seeing a “very low” fly-by photo from a fellow aviation enthusiast Ron Eisele on Twitter and having it trigger a “how low can you go” McDonalds commercial from way back when??? It’s probably not an appropriate Music Monday, but the music well is dry today … so I’m using […]
Category: Aviation, Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: commercial, fly by, low pass, mcdonalds, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, twitter
RichC | October 27, 2022
Favorite actors pitching products has been a staple in the advertising business for a long time … probably because it works! Shortly after this Gigi and James Garner commercial came out for Mazda 323 in 1986, we bought a “new” 1988 Mazda 626 turbo that replaced a Volkswagen Golf (MK2 Wolfsburg edition). To this day […]
Category: Automotive, Marketing, Mazda, TBT, Video |
Tags: 1986, advertising, commercial, gigi, james garner, mozda, TBT
RichC | June 21, 2021
This content is restricted.
Category: Entertainment, Human Interest, Marketing, Music |
Tags: advertising, applebees, cheers, commercial, gary portnoy, judy hart angelo, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, television
RichC | June 7, 2021
This content is restricted.
Category: Entertainment, Human Interest, Marketing, Music |
Tags: advertising, ani gif, anigif, applebees, commercial, gabe kaplan, generation, john sebastian, kotter, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, sitcom, television, theme song, welcome back
RichC | October 25, 2015
It is interesting how certain commercials are bring smiles to our faces … but we always seem to stumble on a commercial that sticks in our heads. This one from Time Warner Cable has Brenda and me doing back and forth “yes, welcome” to each other … just as one from Geico did in 2012. It’s […]
Category: Archive, Humor, Marketing, Video-TV |
Tags: commercial, television, time warner, welcome
RichC | February 17, 2015
Vistaprint produced a great television commercial that is currently running on a couple national cable channels. Perhaps I like it because it is “printing” or “entrepreneur” related, but the passing down of a small business does tug at my heart strings. (here’s an additional video on the making of the commercial).
Category: Business, Marketing, Video-TV |
Tags: advertising, commercial, vistaprint, youtube
RichC | January 30, 2012
For those of you who remember, or just enjoyed (my old link), the classic Matthew Broderick movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, prepare yourself for a new Superbowl 46 ad by Honda. Hmm, Brenda just might be interested in a CR-V as a replacement for her Rav4 … on second thought, she might really rather have […]
Category: Automotive, Video |
Tags: ad, bueller, commercial, cr-v, honda, movie, superbowl
RichC | February 10, 2010
The Media Decoder article in the NYTimes was eye opening with all the challenges and complexity to overcome in order to produce the Letterman-Oprah-Leno commercial. Most of us when seeing the ad chuckled, but probably didn’t give much thought to the difficulty in getting three notable entertainers together — not only to agree, but in […]
Category: Entertainment, Humor, Sports, Video-TV |
Tags: ad, commercial, leno, letterman, oprah, superbowl
RichC | February 9, 2010
I had to chuckle this morning when registering my vote on the Wall Street Journal poll for best and worst commercial during the Super Bowl – Audi was first in both (click for graphic of poll). See ad video below It’s "Green Police" ad was the sixth most popular in USA TODAY’S Ad Meter, in […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Environment, Sports, Video-TV |
Tags: ads, audi, clean, commercial, diesel, green, superbowl, tdi
RichC | November 16, 2008
I’ve noticed the Christmas ads are starting to make their way into the Sunday afternoon football games, and one of them by Kay Jewelers caught my attention. The ad features a deaf girl (or actress playing a deaf girl) and her boyfriend using American Sign Language while sitting under the Christmas tree. It caught my […]
Category: Entertainment, Video-TV |
Tags: asl, commercial, kay jewelers, television
RichC | October 27, 2006
While watching the end of game 4 of the World Series (9th inning), I noticed that there is a new Volkswagen sales campaign call V-DubsRock. The marketing approach is reminiscent of the “buy a car, get a bike” gimmick, but this time it is an FirstAct electric guitar. Nevertheless since the commercial has high-speed motion […]
Category: Automotive, Misc, Video-TV, Volkswagen |
Tags: ads, commercial, guitar, video, volkswagen
RichC | May 20, 2006
I don’t own a DirecTV system, nor am I a shareholder … but I do appreciate their new advertising campaign. I posted a comment about a DirecTV commericial (Ferris Bueller) a couple of days ago, but just spotted another pretty funny one tonight while watching a news program. Maybe its not quite as good as […]
Category: Misc, Video |
Tags: commercial, twister
RichC | May 17, 2006
Twenty years after its debute, DirecTV has capitalized on the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off with a with a commercial sure to make a few of us grin. Who can forget Ben Stein as the dull … I mean dull … teacher taking attendance — “Bueller, Bueller …” Kudos to DirecTV’s ad agency for nabbing […]
Category: Marketing, Video-TV |
Tags: advertising, bueller, commercial, directv, ferris, mp3, mp4, video
RichC | May 4, 2006
This post is for Jason who commented that he enjoyed the Vee-Dub television ads that were posted in February (or was it the VW TDI ad?). If you like them you might like this one; besides being a creative ad, the 2006 Citroen C4 was voted 2006 World Car Design of the Year, at the […]
Category: Automotive, Marketing, Misc |
Tags: cars, Citroen, commercial, europe, Humor
RichC | March 21, 2006
Volkswagen is one of those companies that seems to get a tad ‘edgy’ in it advertising campaigns. From the “Vee-Dub” and “German Engineering, ya-man” ads mentioned a couple weeks ago, to the latest Hispanic targeting ads featuring the cartoon mouse ‘Speedy Gonzalez.’ I posted a comment a week or so ago on the CinciTDI group […]
Category: Automotive, Video, Volkswagen |
Tags: cats, commercial, gti, mp4, video, volkswagen, vw