RichC | June 14, 2024
After chatting with Brenda’s sisters and brother-in-laws about booking flights for a trip together, I mentioned that I was partial to Southwest Airlines. My brother-in-laws are both Delta fliers … and have a long history of booking business travel with the major airlines — I did feel as if I were ruffling feathers (text updates […]
Category: Advice, AI, Aviation, Technology, Tidbits, Travel |
Tags: ai, airlines, artificial intelligence, assistant, booking, Computer, delta, kiplinger, search, southwest, tech friday, techfriday, tools
RichC | May 13, 2023
Which airline do you fly most often? We had a bad experience last summer on AirCanada and probably won’t ever flight with them again … on the other hand, we fly Southwest all the time and thankfully didn’t fly during their “meltdown (click charts for larger).” Even after the December 2022 flightmare by Southwest Airlines, […]
Category: Aviation, News, Travel |
Tags: airlines, delta, rankings, southwest, wsj
RichC | April 6, 2021
Democrats have been gaining ground over the past few years with their “hate Trump” blitzing supported by the leftists, big tech and mainstream media (one in the same from what I’ve seen), and continue to put heavy pressure politicians and corporations. Just as with the tactics used by BLM, Antifa and “woke” groups using racism, […]
Category: Business, Financial, News, Politics, Sports |
Tags: $KO, activism, all-star, boycott, coca-cola, delta, georgia, investing, jim crow, laws, mlb, nytimes, voter id, voting, woke, wsj
RichC | March 27, 2021
This past week was an on and off work week. I’ve been struggling to update software and the latest Linux flavor on an old server while telling myself “I’m getting too old for this.” Right or wrong attitude, I think keeping up with fast-paced technology change is a young person’s game. On the plus side, […]
Category: Business, Computer, Friends, Idioms, Misc, Woodworking |
Tags: Business, cpp,, delta, idiom, linux, mark jones, rock the boat, servers, tablesaw, william jennings bryan, winkelman
RichC | November 27, 2019
When we remodeled our kitchen in the spring of 2017, I disconnected the 40 amp 220 volt electric range that we originally had in the island, and dropped the capped wires through the floor and ceiling of my basement workshop. My intention was to eventually “drop” a 220 volt line so I would have a […]
Category: Archive, Hobby, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
1 Comment
Tags: basement, delta, electrical, shopsmith, tablesaw, woodworking, workshop
RichC | February 21, 2016
The new Jacobs Chuck for the bench top drill press arrived this weekend and although I didn't have any pressing projects, decided to dril a few holes anyway. The quality wasn't bad for $20 and although its not a smooth ball bearing chuck, it made a perfect replacement for my dad's small Delta drill press. […]
Category: Tools |
Tags: chuck, delta, drill, jacobs, press, repair
RichC | June 17, 2015
Now I’ll be the first to admit, I spend too much time agonizing over purchasing things wondering if I’m buying the right model or brand … and am I paying too much. The Internet has only complicated matters since there is even more information to process. It’s the same thing when booking travel … although […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Shopping, Travel |
Tags: airlines, booking, decisions, delta, flights, southwest, Travel
RichC | June 14, 2015
Somebody has had a lousy day of traveling … or is it two days? After 9 days in London, Taylor was up at 6AM UK time on Sunday to get to the airport for his flight back home. Because he had re-booked his ticket from CVG instead of leaving from Williston, ND, he ended up […]
Category: Aviation, Business, Travel |
Tags: $DAL, airlines, Business, delay, delta, flights, management, taylor
RichC | July 17, 2011
This was the first air travel that I opted to go fully paperless using Delta’s E-Boarding barcode utilizing my Palm Pre. The process from check-in online to bag checking and the TSA and boarding went well and although I questioned losing the barcode webos card (and Internet connection!) between the ticketing counter and TSA, it […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology, Travel |
Tags: airline, delta, e-boarding, Travel, tsa
RichC | March 7, 2010
We had a slow start to the day after a frustrating delayed flight out of Cincinnati — we were switched to a smaller plane. I was sardined into the just in front of the lavatory seat behind two babies (with full diapers) and a 3-4 year old (really a very good kid). Thankfully things got […]
Category: Personal, Travel, Video |
Tags: comair, delta, facebook, Travel