RichC | September 8, 2020
It is disturbing that someone actually tried this, but “for science” (cough, cough) … the result is eye-opening. I don’t think I’ll ever look into the end of pipes when working plumbing projects again. 
Category: Science, Video |
Tags: bullets, firearms, guns, pipe, video, youtube
RichC | July 19, 2020
I learned something new about firearms when reading and posting about the Coconut Rifle and it was interesting enough to me to include on the blog this week. Did you know Law Enforcement and the military (US Marine practicing in photo) uses something called a “breaching round” in their shotguns or accessory attachment like the […]
Category: Millitary, Misc, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: ammunition, breaching, firearms, guns, law enforcement, military, police, round, shotgun
RichC | October 5, 2019
Most people recognize how polarized our country has become … thanks in part to politicians and the media fanning the divisive flames. I’m not sure why we fall prey to their tactics, but generating hate and dislike for each other does seem to work when it comes to building campaign war-chests and rabid supporters. I […]
Category: Environment, Human Interest, Politics, Video |
Tags: conservative, debate, disagree, environmental, family, guns, liberal, mp4, polarized, Politics, progressive, video
RichC | November 21, 2017
One of my first rifles is still one of my favorites, so after repairing my Marlin 1894 last month I thought it might be time to upgrade a couple small parts. This .357 chambered lever action rifle is now 40 or so years old and after a fair number of rounds, suffered the bent extractor […]
Category: Hobby, Innovation, Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: 1894, ejection, extractor, firearms, guns, hobby, lever, marlin, repair, rifle
RichC | October 31, 2017
Although I don’t think the Marlin company makes my .357 magnum Model 1894 lever action rifle anymore, I was finally able to scrounge the parts to repair it. I’ve had this beautiful short barreled saddle rifle since high school as it matched the caliber of my short barreled revolver. I have enjoyed it through most […]
Category: Misc, Photos, Recreation |
Tags: brownells, firearms, guns, marlin, model 1894, repair, rifle, shooting
RichC | February 22, 2017
Should municipalities and states charge citizens if they exercise a constitutionally protected right? On the surface, most of us would say "no way" should a city or state charge US citizens to "vote," "worship" or to "speak freely" … but that’s what some politically left leaning cities and states do to those who own firearms. […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: connecticutt, constitution, firearms, guns, laws, Politics, regulation, rights, states
RichC | July 10, 2016
If liberal politicians really wanted to reduce gun violence, they would enforce existing law in the cities suffering the most … and the complicit left leaning media would be holding their feet to the fire. Instead, the ultimate objective is obvious: dismantle the 2nd amendment granting the right to bear arms to all law abiding citizens.
Category: Politics, Video |
Tags: firearms, guns, law, NRA, youtube
RichC | May 18, 2016
Posting this for my good friend Mark who checks my blog once in a while and enjoys working with gunpowder (reloading) … but he also is a creative woodworker. He may not give this a try, but I’m sure he’ll like it … or at least I do. (LINK)
Category: Art, How-To, Misc, Woodworking |
Tags: Art, creative, fire, gunpowder, guns, sportsman, woodburning
RichC | March 13, 2016
First off, I'm “pro” 2nd Amendment and am concealed carry licensed in a couple states … but seeing this new Ideal Conceal handgun “disguised like a smartphone” just after watching the violent protests happening at campaign rallies has me nervous. Almost every rally attender holds up a cellphones to take video or phones. How much […]
Category: Cellphone, Innovation, Misc, Politics |
Tags: ccw, concealed carry, firearms, guns, smartphone
RichC | July 11, 2013
As the trial of George Zimmerman in Florida nears deliberation this week as attorneys for the prosecution and defense wrap up their arguments regarding the use of a gun in the killing of 17 year old Trayvon Martin in February 2012. The media did a disservice to those paying attention to this case both before […]
Category: News |
Tags: florida, guns, law, legal, martin, trial, zimmerman
RichC | January 12, 2013
One would expect some of the conservative western or southern states to adopt deterrents when it comes to criminals targeting gun free zones like public schools, but the Montpelier Exempted Village School Board of Education has been quick to adapt here in Ohio. They approved (5-0) to permit four of their janitors to carry handguns […]
Category: Education, Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: firearms, guns, janitor, montpelier, schools
RichC | January 8, 2013
I’ve held off until now before adding a couple thoughts to the discussion on the high profile killings last year which concluded with the December mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Commenting while emotions were raw was not something that was going to further logical debate … and probably still won’t since from what […]
Category: Personal, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: control, guns, Politics, weapons
RichC | December 16, 2011
I never realized just how restrictive New York firearm laws were until reading this story. It never occurred to me that transporting a pistol in a locked case could be a class C felony, even in a liberal state like New York? I suppose if someone spends their life living under NY restrictions … as […]
Category: Misc, News, Politics, Travel |
Tags: firearms, guns, mark meckler, new york, tea party
RichC | July 29, 2010
While traveling this week, I enjoy a point of view and odd story for NPR which had self-proclaimed “liberal Democrat” Dan Baum about his Happiness is a worn gun article in Harper’s Magazine on the radio. (currently a PDF version of the article here) He addresses the subject of the love of guns from the […]
Category: Audio, Politics |
Tags: guns, harper's, kuer, magazine, npr, radio, whyy