RichC | December 16, 2023
NASA’s Perseverance rover continues on its Mars exploration mission that I’ve followed from the start. The Twitter feed along with the geology exploration and rock sample collection is space science at its best. For those not following the mission as closely, a YahooNews/CNN story last week that summarized the 1000 days of “roving” and of […]
Category: Science, Space |
Tags: cnn, explorationm, geology, helicopter, ingenuity, mars, pdf, perseverance, rover, space, yahoo
RichC | September 7, 2022
Be sure to click on the photo or download to see the larger version
Category: Photography, Photos, Space, Tidbits |
Tags: astronomy, astrophotography, filler, mars, nasa, space
RichC | May 22, 2022
It is difficult to ignore the success of the private space industry and admire companies like Elon Musk’s SpaceX as it launches and re-launches rocket after rocket. From satellite launching to shuttling astronauts to and from the International Space Station, SpaceX definitely has the potential to land astronauts back on the moon and to be […]
Category: Archive, History, Human Interest, Innovation, Science, Space, Technology, Video |
Tags: astronaut, elon musk, falcon9, mars, moon, mp4, rockets, satellites, space, spacex, starlink, ukraine
RichC | December 17, 2021
It has been interesting following NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover “virtually” since the launch on July 30, 2020 and landing on Mars February 18, 2021. Since that time, Perseverancehas sent back hundreds of photos from the surface, collected (core samples) rocks and spent time “off-roading” on the surface. The terrain photo above (click it for larger) […]
Category: Photos, Science, Social Media, Space, Video |
Tags: explore, mars, nasa, perseverance, Photos, rocks, rover, space, twitter, youtube
RichC | April 13, 2021
You can take the boy out of school, but you can’t take school (and learning) out of the boy ( or older man at this point). Over the weekend, I was talking to Brenda about how I’ve been following the NASA feed (tweet below) and waiting for the helicopter to take flight on Mars. The […]
Category: Aviation, Education, Innovation, Science, Space, Technology, Video |
Tags: engineering, experiment, helicopter, ingenuity, innovation, learning, lorentz force, magnetohydrodynamic, mars, nasa, plasma, science, science fair, space
RichC | July 30, 2020
The NASA liftoff of Perseverance (7/30/2020) was a great sight this morning as was hearing that the new new rover “phoned home” an hour later. Those who grew up with the space program are fondly remembering the race to the moon days as well as the excitement in man probing space. This trip to Mars […]
Category: Social Media, Space, Video |
Tags: launch, mars, nasa, perseverance, space, twitter, youtube
RichC | March 31, 2020
Olympus Mons is the tallest mountain and largest volcano on any planet in the solar system. It is about the size of France (or the U.S. state of Arizona) and is a shield volcano 624 km (374 mi) in diameter, 25 km (16 mi) high, and is rimmed by a 6 km (4 mi) high […]
Category: Blogs, Misc, Space, Tidbits |
Tags: astronomy,, france, mars, mons, mountain, olympus, space, volcano
RichC | October 20, 2018
Earlier in October, as well as mid summer, I’ve been trying to get a better nighttime view of the International Space Station (ISS) passing over our house. It has been tracking overhead for the last few weeks an hour or so after the the sun set. The angle was such that our sky was completely […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Photography, Photos, Space |
Tags: astronomy, international space station, iphone7plus, iss, mars, sky guide
RichC | July 23, 2018
The moon and Jupiter circled from my iPhone on Sunday night July 22, 2018 I have fond memories of sitting out with Katelyn when she would get out her telescope and was learning astronomy … but I do also still enjoy special nights like last night to "try" to capture the amazingly bright and large […]
Category: Cellphone, Photography, Space |
Tags: astronomy, cincinnati, jupiter, mars, moon, nighttime, planets, saturn, skywatching
RichC | July 14, 2018
It was a great week of skywatching in our backyard in Cincinnati this week. The sun magnificently lit up planets, especially Saturn and Jupiter while Mars, Venus (the brightest) and Mercury (doubtful) remained a bit low in the sky while I was out viewing. I was purposely out for Mars, but it will have to […]
Category: Cellphone, Photography, Space |
Tags: astronomy, iphone, jupiter, mars, photography, skywatching, space
RichC | January 30, 2018
It’s a long way to Mars and there’s "not a drop to drink" (author Mindy McGinnis) or "plop to eat" on the way … so what’s the plan? Since astronauts are already recycling their urine into drinkable water, the next step should be obvious: "Goo made from their Poo." (in observing the current lab conditions […]
Category: Human Interest, Innovation, Misc, Space |
Tags: astronaut, food, mars, nasa, penn state, poop, research, science, space, Travel
RichC | August 7, 2012
A great touch active graphic was in the online Wall Street Journal today and opened my eyes to the size of the robotic explorer. Thinking about radio controlled “buggies” of the past, I was thinking that Curiosity wasn’t all that much bigger … until I saw the comparison to the Mini Cooper – wow. Flying […]
Category: Space |
Tags: mars, nasa, space
RichC | August 5, 2011
While checking the stock market over lunch, it was again another depressing day. The Dow continues to march down as does the Nasdaq even on relatively positive news that we did have some private sector job grow and a slightly backed off unemployment claims rate of one tenth. It now stands at a high national […]
Category: Financial, News, Space |
Tags: dow, economy, juno, mars, nasa, nasdaq, space