Collision between AA commuter jet and Black Hawk Helicopter

| January 31, 2025

Each time I hear about an aviation accident I think back to the years I was flying small planes. The conversations by news people regarding the state of safe aviation in the United States … be it DEI hires, technology or congested air traffic control space … has me struggling to know what level of […]

What has Perseverance learned from 1000 days on Mars? #space

| December 16, 2023

NASA’s Perseverance rover continues on its Mars exploration mission that I’ve followed from the start. The Twitter feed along with the geology exploration and rock sample collection is space science at its best. For those not following the mission as closely, a YahooNews/CNN story last week that summarized the 1000 days of “roving” and of […]

Experimenting with a Magnetohydrodynamic Drive demo

| April 13, 2021

You can take the boy out of school, but you can’t take school (and learning) out of the boy ( or older man at this point). Over the weekend, I was talking to Brenda about how I’ve been following the NASA feed (tweet below) and waiting for the helicopter to take flight on Mars. The […]

Aerial slideshow from Katelyn and Drew’s Wedding day

| April 23, 2013

After the big wedding weekend (4/13/2013), my daughter Katelyn and husband Drew, no longer fiancé Drew, left the Savannah Center in a helicopter for a short flight looping counter-clockwise from West Chester, Ohio. They circles south over downtown Cincinnati, the Ohio River and then looped back north over Kings Island, Mason, our house in Liberty […]

Comedian/Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham and helicopters

| August 31, 2012

Do you ever say to yourself, “why didn’t I know this before now?” Well that what I though when a friend of mine ask if I’ve seen Jeff Dunham videos about him building and flying helicopters. “Helicopters?“(old posts 1 & 2) Come to find out, he has built four of them and has been flying […]

Can Carter Copter make the next leap in personal aviation?

| January 27, 2011

Although the dream of flying around like the Jetsons has been something many of us believed would be here by now, those at Carter Copters are a bit more serious in developing something that might move us closer to that reality. Their combination of aviation engineering using fuel sipping diesel engines, gyro-plane lift, airplane like […]

Job frustrations? Maybe a career change?

| July 16, 2007

A friend of mine sent me this video clip … I can’t imagine doing this for a living? Power Line worker

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog