RichC | June 17, 2021
After repairing our iRobot pool sweeper last week and figuring out how to hold a “behind the riveted new screen” tiny nut in place (after I dropped it!) … I happened to see Adam Savage’s model building recommended tool (mention him an his testedcom before) and “just had to have it.” In the photos above, […]
Category: Shopping, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: Adam Savage, cleaner, forceps, irobot, medical, model, pool, screen, sewing, sweeper, tools
RichC | January 17, 2020
Back in the late 1980s when I was starting in the commercial printing and eventually ‘small time’ publishing business (Consolidated Printing and Publishing Co), I didn’t realize how far ahead of the game we were when focusing on the subscription model. Early on we were able to capitalize on few people in the printing industry […]
Category: Apple, Automotive, BMW, Business, Cloud, Computer, Financial, Personal, Photos, Software, Technology |
Tags: adobe, aldus, apple, BMW, Business, cloud, Computer, cpp, cppnet,, macintosh, model, odometer, pagemaker, printing, publishing, streaming, subscriptions, tech friday, techfriday, x5 35d
RichC | November 17, 2018
Last week while clearing off our bookshelves I came across a ticket to The Music Man from 18 years ago when my nephew Ben played the lead in his high school musical. It occurred to me that his birthday was this month and that I should post it to his Facebook page while sending him […]
Category: Energy, Hobby, Productivity, Science, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: ben skinner, distracted, distraction, efficiency, engine, heat, model, mp4, musical, sidetracked, stirling, ticket, video
RichC | November 29, 2012
So much for the model robot boat “Snoopy Sloop” and the planned unmanned crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. Whoops! The technology packed and lake tested 4 foot sailboat set sail from England on November 27th and intended a six month voyage to the Bahamas, but unfortunately the little boat encountered “strong tides” … something neither […]
Category: Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: GPS, model, sailing, transatlantic