RichC | October 20, 2021
Here’s a short video worth 5 minutes of your time to watch and to contemplate before Congress and President Biden makes our spending spree even worse. “You can’t spend what you don’t have indefinitely ..” – Stephen Moore for Prager University. LINK to video
Category: Financial, Politics, Video |
Tags: debt, deficit, economy, mp4, Politics, prager, prageru, spending, stephen moore, video
RichC | July 18, 2020
As politicians and most of us in the United States (and probably world) debate how to live under the shadow of the Coronavirus pandemic, researchers, doctors and academics are flooding the Internet with studies and opinions both for and against opening up the country. Some have our best interest at heart … and likely some […]
Category: Blogs, Business, Health, Idioms, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: central, coronavirus, covid19, economic,, freedom, gcc, graph, idiom, idioms, karl marx, liberty, lock down, ludwig von mises, marxism, masks, new york, planning, Politics, prageru, shutdown, studies, sweden, youtube
RichC | April 11, 2018
With freedom desired by nearly everyone on earth and history clear as to choice and “the market” lifting our standard of living, why do so many young people embrace socialism and big government?
Category: History, Politics, Video |
Tags: capitalism, History, prageru, video, youtube
RichC | March 10, 2018
A simple explanation of crony capitalism in this Prageru video, but a challenging to stop corruption that exists with politicians running governments.
Category: Education, Politics, Video |
Tags: capitalism, crony, government, prageru, video, youtube
RichC | November 7, 2017
Ethics in journalism, particularly political content, continues to disappear as the line between editorializing and reporting is blurred. Most who consume "their" brand of NEWS recognize there is truth to the sarcastic #FakeNews hashtag on social networks and President Trump’s regular "tweets" complaining about how his administration is treated by the #MSM (Main Stream Media). […]
Category: News, Politics, Social Media, Video |
Tags: editorial, ethics, journalism, media, News, opinion, political, prageru, reporter, sharyl attkisson, social network, twitter, youtube
RichC | August 27, 2017
Category: Education, History, Millitary |
1 Comment
Tags: civil, History, prageru, slavery, video, war, westpoint, youtube