RichC | May 19, 2021
Like a lot of middle-aged Americans from the baby boomer generation (FYI, I”m at the tail end), I’ve spent way too many years unprotected in the sun. Although I haven’t gone out of my way to get that “healthy tan” (cough, cough) as we used to say in the old days, I’ve still ended up […]
Category: Advice, Environment, Health, Recreation, Shopping |
Tags: cap, hat, osprey, protection, shelta, spf, sun
RichC | June 2, 2019
If you grew up watching Get Smart, then you know about the “cone of silence” … but do you know about the “bottle of protection?” A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across a guy work over a stove and frying pan of hot oil. If you’ve done this before, no doubt the spatter occasionally […]
Category: Entertainment, Humor, Innovation |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, bottle, cone of silence, cooking, creative, frying, funny, get smart, Humor, oil, protection, stove
RichC | December 28, 2018
Those of us who manage our own computers likely do our share of “desktop” cleaning and are regularly warned by our anti-virus software that we need to do more than prevent viruses and hackers from accessing our computers. The current “free” anti-virus companies all push to sell their paid software … and regularly highlight registry […]
Category: Advice, Computer, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: anti-virus, avast, ccleaner, cleaning malware, Computer, defender, microsoft, protection, registry, scanning, tech friday, techfriday, windows10
RichC | March 29, 2017
We all struggle with ease of use and security when using a computer and online services … what’s the best way? That’s likely a debatable question since we want easy access, but don’t want our data compromised – "how easy is too easy?" What we do know is that a simple or "no" password is […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Computer, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: Computer, device, hacked, iot, password, protection, security
RichC | August 31, 2015
Archiving an educational post on lightning and boating. Although there may not be one perfect way to protect yourself or your boat when thunderstorms appear, putting the odds in your favor does make sense. According to Boat U.S. “The feature reports that in any one year the odds of your boat being struck by lightning […]
Category: Archive, Sailing, Weather |
Tags: lightning, protection, sailboat, thunderstorm, weather
RichC | October 14, 2014
Most offices (home and commercial) protect their computers and electronics with at least a surge strip and many of us with Uninterruptable Power Supplies … or UPS units. I’ve owned a couple from APC (now Schneider Electric) and over the years have been frustrated with having to replacing the expensive back-up batteries. The replacements are […]
Category: Computer, How-To, Technology |
Tags: accessory, apc, back up, Computer, electronics, gadgets, protection, ups
RichC | December 30, 2013
Offering up a reminder to those running Windows (or any OS really) without or with ”OUTDATED” virus protection — questionable links, website and emails are plentiful. Most of them, from what I have read, still target the Microsoft Windows users, but we should assume most popular operating systems are at risk as well. Do your […]
Category: Computer, Software |
Tags: avast, protection, virus
RichC | October 10, 2012
Knowing that email links can be dangerous isn’t always enough to prevent even a relatively experience Internet user from occasionally being suckered into clicking embedded links in emails. It happened to me yesterday morning with a bogus Skype Voicemail notification (below). Emails can seem legitimate and be over looked if you’re not paying close attention […]
Category: Advice, Computer, How-To |
Tags: avast, Computer, email, How-To, protection, virus
RichC | May 8, 2012
I couldn’t resist spending $3.35 on a plastic snap on slim fit back at Amazon to put on my iPad. I’ve be semi-pleased with the non-skid surface (not sticky) when holding the tablet for reading outside the case and now no long cringe when the aluminum back slides on a rough surface. For just a […]
Category: Shopping, Tablet |
Tags: amazon, ipad, plastic, protection, snapshield
RichC | August 15, 2010
I’ve used the same antivirus software on my PC for over a decade and have been pleased with how the company has supported updates and discreet reminder in both the free version and low priced home protection. Unfortunately things have changed for me, after struggling with an upgrade to the 5.0 update, I shifted back […]
Category: Computer, Software |
Tags: avast, email, protection, Software, virus