RichC | February 22, 2017
Should municipalities and states charge citizens if they exercise a constitutionally protected right? On the surface, most of us would say "no way" should a city or state charge US citizens to "vote," "worship" or to "speak freely" … but that’s what some politically left leaning cities and states do to those who own firearms. […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: connecticutt, constitution, firearms, guns, laws, Politics, regulation, rights, states
RichC | December 23, 2016
We still have a week of trading before closing the books on 2016, but those last few DJIA psychological points to 20,000 have proven evasive. Thursday’s 23 point decline, after the steady climb since the election, has a few gurus thinking the Trump Rally may be ahead of itself? Some are looking at current corporate […]
Category: Business, Financial |
Tags: Business, djia, economy, investing, obama, regulation, taxes, trump
RichC | March 23, 2016
Looking at the Finviz chart of the wild second half of 2015 slide for crude oil, one would think we Americans would be cheering since we love driving big cars. Unfortunately lower crude prices (and prices at the pump) are also indicators of a struggling domestic and world economy. U.S. companies need strong international economies […]
Category: Business, Energy |
Tags: Business, economy, export, oil, regulation, taxes
RichC | February 27, 2015
A debate over controlling free and open access to the “pipes of the Internet” is not as simple (or probably as inexpensive) as it sounds. While the Federal Communications Commission considered views for and against regulating the Internet on Thursday, called “net neutrality,” the commission voted in favor by 3-2. In comments, FCC chairman Tom […]
Category: Innovation, Politics, Technology |
Tags: debate, govenment, internet, net neutrality, regulation
RichC | May 11, 2014
Fox Business anchor Stuart Varney comment, in between his entertaining persiflage with Don Imus, struck a chord with me as he highlighted the failures of the Obama administration’s big government policies — regulations that are killing small business entrepreneurs. Stuart Varney with Don Imus (MP3) – May 2014 As someone who started a someone “traditional” […]
Category: Audio, Business, Financial, Politics |
Tags: entrepreneur, government, mp3, regulation, small business