Selling my May Fly lures inventory came back to haunt me #TBT

| May 6, 2021

Whoops … an interesting Throwback Thursday #TBT flashback and mistake on my part … I received an order for MayFly Lures that I posted back in 2018 and sold a few and then sold my entire inventory in one lump in 2019. Unfortunately I forgot to remove the original blog post and so received a […]

How to run email lists, sell your product and retain customers

| March 10, 2021

After cleaning out my email in-box and “attempting” to unsubscribe to a bunch of marketing oriented email lists, it became clear that I chose to remain subscribed to the lists that do more than plug their products or repeat sales again and again. A couple “subscribed-to” lists stood out because they were informative and were […]

TechFriday: High priced Internet domains in 2015

| September 18, 2015

As someone who has sold a handful of domain names over the past 20 years, it is interesting to see what prices are being generated (my highest sale was $10,000). In 2015 there are a few less impressive high dollar dot-com transfers (overseas) … due to them being “two-letters” I assume… yet they still garnering […]

Selling coupons on eBay … very entrepreneurial

| April 12, 2015

Selling coupons on ebay is very entrepreneurial. While I’m not a regular ebay seller, I often check prices and buy parts for cars and the boat. When my search screen stated to display pages of ads “selling discount coupons,” it sounded crazy. But people must be finding a market for clipping and selling those unique […]

Video: Humorous YouTube “Car 4 Sale” idea

| March 27, 2010

I’ve been pondering how we will eventually sell my wife’s 1998 Toyota RAV4 with a quarter million miles? I think this might work!  😀

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog