There is a masked man in the garage!
Posted By RichC on July 3, 2013
Having July 4th fall on a Thursday this week is creating chaos with my travel schedule. Each appointment scheduling call I’ve made is finding everyone taking a few days off … I should have done the same?
Anyway, spending time in town gave me a chance to dust off my TIG welding skills or lack there of after my brother dropped off a couple lawn chairs which are in need of repair. Since I’ve been wanting to repair the rocker panels and 4 jack points on the Mercedes 300D and have been leery of my welding expertise, a little practice was helpful. I’ve already treated the rust multiple times and need to do some final grinding and sanding before adding new metal, a zinc chromate primer and a few coats of TP Tools and Equipment’s Miracle paint. (still yet to be decided – below)
The Bill Hirsch line of restoration paints. Bill Hirsch has been servicing the auto restoration market for over 35 years. His line of paints is considered to be the best available. You can feel confident you are getting a product that will keep your project looking beautiful for years to come!
Stop rust dead in its tracks with Miracle Paint!
Designed to be painted directly over rusted areas. Simply scrape away loose rust scale and coat with this amazing product. Moisture-cured nonporous paint bonds to rusted and corroded metals like no other coating. It dries rock hard and will not crack, chip, or peel. Miracle Paint is impervious to gasoline, oil, anti-freeze, lacquer thinner, salt, and most acids. Will seal metal, concrete, grout, wood, and porous tile like nothing else!
Permanently seal your frame, chassis components, and engine compartment. Apply 2 coats of Miracle Paint anywhere rust attacks. Can be sprayed, brushed, or rolled – no thinning required. If exposed to sunlight, it is recommended that you topcoat Miracle Paint. Can be top-coated with enamel, lacquer, or urethane topcoats. For an original factory finish, we recommend coating with Super Black Chassis Undercarriage Paint. Made in USA.
Available in gloss black, silver, clear, or white.