My old Gateway Notebook has a new lease on life

Posted By on January 14, 2014

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My aging 2007 Gateway NX570XL notebook computer is now running like it did when it was a new computer thanks to replacing the harddrive this past weekend. I replaced my “previously replaced” 320GB 7200RPM drive when installing Windows 7, but the porky Gateway_Notebook_NX570XLspeed was beginning to become an issue. This time I opted for a Kingston 240GB SSD that I picked up for $129 in order to clone my C: partition. After a couple hiccups, I was running in a few hours, although I did clear off a few unused programs along with video, photos and data. I found EaseUS free software did a good job with the cloning although the Kingston really needs to package a few more instructions with their product. The only problem so far was with my Adobe Creative Suite software as it needed to be reinstalled.

I still use this old relatively heavy and slow notebook everyday and have been reluctant to upgrade to a new machine. Besides price, I don’t want to install all new software and deal with incompatibilities which I know would occur. Also, I now use the Apple iPad and iPhone for more and more of my everyday “light” computing and probably don’t need a full sized or full featured notebook computer anymore (reading, contact management, calendar, email, social networking and web surfing is now done primarily on the iPad2 … and I can see replacing that before buying a new laptop). 


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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