Wish my father-in-law could see this Martin B-26 Marauder video

| February 9, 2025

Several decades ago we took Brenda’s father, Fred Howard, to the National Museum of the Air Force in Dayton, Ohio and seeing the Martin B-26 Marauder on display triggered an emotional response. Having flown 50+ bombing missions as a navigator  in Europe during World War II and seeing his “ship” (similar) after so many years brought […]

Book: “Arriving Today” by Christopher Mims (a WSJ+ selection)

| October 8, 2021

Although my interest in productivity in running a business has waned a bit now that I’m no longer aggressively working or growing a small business, I still have curiosity when it comes to the direction things are going. I’ve read Christopher Mims “tech writing” for a few years now as he contributes regularly to the […]

Remembering one of my early jobs after seeing a Tweet #TBT

| August 17, 2017

Earlier this week, I had a Throwback Thursday moment when reading my Twitter feed. A reporter commented on @PortageNotebook and the logo/icon was a dead giveaway for the spin-off company where I once worked. The Akron, Ohio based Portage Newspaper Supply was the purchasing arm for Knight Ridder Newspapers and I was part of the […]

One of my long time customers is making a change

| August 12, 2016

Change can be depressing, especially when it comes to losing a longtime client that I now think of as friends like the folks at SummitSWCD in Akron. In this case there isn’t anything I can do since as voters in Summit County approved expanding the county’s data center and information technology department. They will now […]

Congratulations Dr. Katelyn Corbett, MD – You are a physician!

| May 22, 2011

The day arrived and disappeared in an instant … with a wonderful ceremony, I might add! On Saturday, May 21st my daughter Katelyn officially became Dr. Katelyn Corbett, M.D. She was presented the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the commencement ceremony from NEOUCOM (now NEOMED – Northeast Ohio Medical University). We had a perfect […]

Snow, Snow, go away and a nice dinner out

| March 31, 2011

Isn’t it about time for this long winter to end? It was a slippery day of driving and another couple of inches of snow while making my way around northeastern Ohio on Wednesday. About the only positive was an enjoyable “Two for $20” dinner with my daughter at Applebee’s. A couple of spring 2011 snow […]

Snow beautified picturesque Glendale Cemetery in Akron Ohio

| February 20, 2010

While traveling to NE Ohio this week, and waiting to meet with my daughter for lunch in Akron Ohio, I drove through the gates of snow crusted Glendale Cemetery founded as Akron Rural Cemetery in 1839.  While steering through the snow-covered drives in serene park-like setting, I took the opportunity to capture the snow surrounding […]

Sunrise over Akron Ohio

| May 21, 2009

Next best thing to waking up next to my beautiful wife … 😆 …  is waking up to a beautiful sunrise.  Today’s sunrise over Akron, Ohio was no exception and  I did my best to capture it out my hotel room window on my ‘long in the tooth’ Palm Treo 700p smartphone (the Palm Pre […]

NCAA Tournament and wishing the Akron Zips success

| March 19, 2009

I filled my NCAA March Madness Bracket online (ESPN) and to my son’s horror I didn’t pick The University of Akron Zips to win, even though I’m funding that program through his tuition. I have to admit that it is a positive time for Akron in that the university is a very attractive place to […]

A Roo, the Zips and the University of Akron

| May 23, 2008

This past weekend my son and I went to freshman orientation at the University of Akron in preparation for his fall semester. The The full day started at 7:45 and ended at 4:30, but the time was well spent in that he’s registered for fall classes and nearly ready to start … and high school […]

Ohio based “Spirit of Goodyear” blimp

| October 4, 2007

I took a quick photo out my sunroof as I followed the blimp “Spirit of Goodyear” and its support bus and semi on my drive up to northeastern Ohio this week. We paralleled each other heading north on I-71 and I eventually passed the icon airship on I-76 heading into Akron Ohio. The current Ohio […]

Snow again? I’m ready for spring

| March 15, 2007

Posting from Palm Treo this morning as I looked out the hotel window in Akron Ohio to something white on the ground. Hmm … I walked in last night sweating in a tee-shirt and this morning its snow and cold again. Someone tell mother nature to make up her mind! EDIT: Post from flickr didn’t […]

Ouch! Be careful navigating parking garages

| October 5, 2006

It was a sad day for my daughter and her 2001 VW Jetta TDI after an Audi bumped into her door in a parking garage. Needless to say she was not happy and neither was the Audi driver; the door of the Volkswagen was no match for the Audi’s bumper. While stopping to see her […]

Photo: Akron Canton Airport (CAK)

| June 12, 2006

I was passing through Akron Canton Airport (CAK) yesterday evening and enjoyed a peaceful and beautiful evening sky panorama. I wish that I would have had my ‘real’ camera, but was at least able to use my new phone. The silhouette of a Wright Brother’s airplane against the serene beauty of a setting sun offered […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog